Maxwell House Updates {first edition}

Sorry, for delay of the post to update you on our house.  However I've been waiting for more update pics but I keep forgetting to send Jon to the house WITH the camera!  He is totally taking down drywall and everything in the bathroom.  It looks a LOT different!  I have not seen the bathroom before he took more out (like vanity and drywall), so I don't even know how it looks!

But I do have some pictures of what it looks like most recently.

One Friday night before we left we hung up some curtains for privacy!

The painting in that room is completely done so we were ready to put them up!  It helps make it feel more like home.  The couches we eventually are going to get for the living room are brown and there is brown on the curtains.  The blue in the curtains will be on the accent wall in the dining room.  We have pillows that are blue and/or brown.  So excited to see it all come together!! :)

this picture does not show how great the blue truly is ;)
The fun part I was able to capture, was Jon used his Daddy's old tool to hang up the curtain rod!

Jon thought it was just a little too silly, but I told him it was pretty cool.  It was a little bit of his Dad at his new house.  How cool it would have been to have his Dad see him "fix up" his first home? :)

One of the weeks while I was gone, Jon hung up our new dining room light fixture.

The bathroom demo has caused some crazy mess.  Jon has collected a lot of "garbage" over time.  Jon's dumping place or as you could call it Maxwell Dumpster Zone.

our garage
And yes, you probably see old curtains and curtain rods there as well.  The previous owners left their window treatments.  They were filthy and dirty...and well, just old.  So of course we are getting all new.  However the blinds on bedroom windows are just fine.

Here's some updates on the bathroom, but like I said before, it looks a LOT different now!  So I'll have to add more pictures later....

Tile off the wall and vanity
Jon cleans up the tile barefoot.  Boys are silly.
This vanity is NOT in their anymore!
We were going to keep the old vanity but the more we thought about it....I wanted more "drawers" than cupboards.  And this way we can design it EXACTLY for our family's needs.  Plus we can make it work better for the space and the doorway area to have more space.  We had to fix the plumbing for that sink anyways.  And the lights above are just "sitting" in the wood block....

In the picture above Jon had actually taken the lights out of the wood block and set them in the wall!  He got rid of the block while I was there and this past week got rid of more drywall behind the vanity area.  We're getting rid of that medicine cabinet/mirror thing and messing with the electrical so might as well go down to the drywall.  Right?  We also have to do something about that window.  We have an idea.  Let's just see what happens. ;)

Well, that's all the update pictures I have so far.  But I know it looks a LOT different already.  I'll try to remember to send Jon with the camera next time!  But until then......

I'm busy taking care of my little peanut who is boycotting sleeping through the night, fussy, and not taking her typical long naps.  I'm tired.  Time for bed! :)


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