Our Master Bedroom Furniture

Today we have finally received the last pieces of our bedroom furniture that we purchased in May and was supposed to receive in June.  Remember this post?  That gives a little more insight into my thoughts on this whole adventure.

While I am typing this, the two men are installing the last of our bed pieces (headboard and storage drawers).  I'm so excited to finally have all of our pieces to our bedroom furniture.  It is such a blessing to finally have it all. :)  And it only took three months since we purchased it.  There was lots of misunderstandings of the whole thing with the company it is from and poor Homemakers has had to come out four times to give us each piece to our furniture.

First delivery was our dresser and nightstands.  The dresser we are using as a changing table and dresser in our nursery (since it's long and shorter).  The second delivery was our "bed" and I asked them where our chest was and he said, "this is all I was told to deliver."  Oh boy....so the post I linked above is after that day of discovery.  The third delivery was the chest (but the company had made a mistake with the rest of our bed pieces and wouldn't have it in for another month or so).  Today is our final delivery for our bed pieces...aaah... :)

In a few weeks we will receive our recliner which is also our nursery rocking chair. :)  In the future when we have no babies we want a chair that looks nice with our living room furniture.  Can't wait to take pictures of our nursery once we get it all settled!  You know I will post some ASAP.  This weekend is the to do list since Jon and I won't be traveling anywhere.  We will stay here in our apartment and work on going through our storage boxes that are stacked up in the nursery currently.

As soon as the guys leave I'll finish organizing our bedroom and take pictures so I can post them for you all to enjoy!  Looking forward to it!!  I think the bed will look so nice once the headboard is up.  It's been so long since I've had a headboard!  I think headboards are so nice to have.  Especially now that I have our room decorated.  All that is left is to hang up our curtain I bought at Target during my crazy one-hour visit last week.  It is a dark blue (navy) color to match the pillows.

Before the guys left he mentioned that we still owed $500(and something).  I was speechless.  My parents paid for everything up front.  That's just how they are...better to pay it all then have to deal with multiple payments.  The computers say different.  Apparently the mistake of not realizing at first that we DID purchase the bed with the storage and everything makes us have to pay for it all over again?  Since the payment is under my mom's name, I had them contact her.  She has told me they emailed her and it said false info about how it was all paid.  Oh joy joy joy!  Life is filled with mumble jumble.  That's all I have to say.

But until things get straightened out I'm just going to admire how it all looks. :)


First delivery: dresser and nightstands

Second delivery: Mattress with nightstands

Yeah for a headboard! :)

Looking from the door to get into bedroom
Bed-Nightstand-Bathroom entry-Chest
(Notice fan on far right?)

The Before picture showed our dresser, remember we put that in the nursery for now.  We are using the chest for our clothes.  There are drawers in the bottom of the bed.  I can't wait to fill them and have our apartment feel more complete!

My mom just texted me, "This is almost hilarious if it wasn't driving me crazy."
Apparently they still think we owe them money....

Hope everyone is having a good week!  Time for me to go get some organizing done. :)  Oh, it will feel soo so good!


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