Pregnancy Blessings

As months have gone by I've learned some blessings of pregnancy that I will try to remember when it comes time to allow myself to try to get pregnant again and go through that awful 24/7 morning sickness all over again.

Here's the blessings I've come up with so far...

-Movement: being able to feel the baby move is just one of those amazing God-things.  A human growing inside me is by far the coolest thing ever.  Such a miracle.

-Eating: Once the sickness went away, I actually got a chance to enjoy food again.  Those months of sickness has helped me enjoy the months of being able to enjoy food again!  Nothing like finishing off a watermelon or cantaloupe all to yourself. :)

-Other's Admiration:  It's a joy to have others recognize your pregnancy and be delighted about your newest addition to the family. :)

-Daddy-to-be's enjoyment:  It's such a wonderful experience to see your husband watch your belly in delight as the baby moves around.  He also likes to feel the baby move from time to time.  He can't wait to meet the little one. :)

-Family Support:  It's been a blessing to see how the family has responded.  Helpful when I was really sick and encouraging us all along the way!

-Next Step: I've always looked forward to this next step in my life.  I'm so excited to be someone's Mommy.  I know it's a big job, but I know with God's help Jon and I can be the best parents that we can be if we just lean on Him.  We're both ready for this next step in our lives.  And I like this stay-at-home mom thing. :)

*I would include the hardships that come along with pregnancy, but that wouldn't be any fun!  I'm sure there are more things to add to this list.  But I should probably go do some laundry and get dinner started!


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