Our First Christmas {a night to remember}

Three years ago I got engaged to Jon.  I have yet to write a post about that part of our love story....but until then: just know that it didn't go as plan but in the end we got married and that's what matters, right? :)

So tonight it was only best to have our little family's Christmas.

First I had to get us ready.  Ellie got a bath and I got a shower.  I know, I accomplished a lot today. ;)

Then it was time to work in the kitchen.  This mess was just not going to work....

Then I got going on dinner.  I melted a stick of butter and poured it over some chicken tenders in a 9x13 pan.  Then sprinkled some bread crumbs, grated parmesan cheese, and italian seasoning.  I had baked potatoes already in the oven. Cooked the chicken on 400 for about a half hour, so I could make enough for leftovers.  Then I also made a side of macaroni and cheese.  Jon brought home some grape juice, and we called it good! :)

When Jon got home Ellie had fallen asleep in her bouncy seat, so we went ahead and ate dinner.  Jon led us in a sweet, meaningful prayer, and then we enjoyed each other's company with out watching television.

Then we sat down on a blanket next to the Christmas tree (where I had the bassinet set up also), and by this time Ellie had woken up.

Daddy & Ellie bonding

Sorry the pictures are dark and blurry.  I had turned off many lights so Ellie could sleep.  But she sure was enjoying our first Christmas....

 I had wrapped the brown blanket around her to keep her arms from going wild to wake her up and to keep her happier. :)  She really enjoys looking at her Daddy! :)

Then Daddy got really goofy with her.

Do you spot the pacifier ;)

Then Daddy started our family's tradition.

Listening to Daddy read the Christmas story

 After he was done we talked about it.  Then talked about how we were going to go about opening presents in "our" family.  But this year it was easy.  Jon and I had both gotten each other one gift.  We didn't get Ellie anything because she wouldn't remember and I had recently got her a few new outfits anyways.

I told Jon he had to open his first. :)

I know I said I got him one gift.
But this was a 2 in 1--awesome Blu-Ray deals!

Then it was my turn to open.

Wow!  I was really surprised!  I couldn't believe he picked a house decor item!  He did a GREAT job!  We decided to hang them up over our fireplace.  Because the wall is not symmetrical at all, so the randomness of the mirrors would work well.

So we got started on hanging them up.  First we made "samples" of the mirrors to tape to the wall to decide where they would go before we started making holes in the wall.  (Nothing like using leftover printer paper from my old college assignment.)

Jon loves the picture of Ellie so much he didn't want to put it anywhere else. :)

And here's one from far back to show you how hard it was to figure out what to do with that fireplace.

I plan on putting something on the mantel.  It would've been nice for Christmas to have some pretty greenery and stuff don't you think?  If you have any ideas of what I could do let me know.

And then I dished some ice cream up for my hubby and he started to watch Saving Private Ryan that I had got him.  My dad called me and I got side tracked...I saw Jon run towards the room where I had Ellie sleeping.  She was crying and it was distracting me, plus it didn't help seeing Jon run.  He has never done that before.  I quickly ended my phone chat with dad apologizing and then Jon came out with Ellie.

"The bassinet broke."


While Ellie sleeps sometimes she wakes up shortly after and scoots around a lot.  Apparently she was so squirmy it triggered the old bassinet and the leg gave out and started to collapse.  Ellie was fortunately still up right in it but she was a little startled.  My poor baby!  I told Jon it had been pretty rocky before and it might just need fixed.  So while he messed with it I held my sweet baby (who was totally calm by now like nothing had happened).  Jon fixed it and we put her back down to sleep.

I then texted my parents to let them know what had happened.

It was the craziest thing.

Nothing like adding that to your family Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone!  That was our first of five.  How many do you have?  What are your favorite traditions?


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