Ellie {2 months}

Oh my dear Ellie you are two months old today!!  Daddy and Mommy love you so much and can't stop smiling with all the sweet little things you do!  Mommy will tell you all about it....

You are so so cute.  Who can't stop looking at you?

took this pic today! 2 mo old
While Mommy was doing your two month photo shoot she is reminded of all the sweet things you do, and all the things you do not like!  Ellie, you enjoy smiling and "talking" to us.  Sometimes it even sounds like you say "hi" back.  When we talk or stick our tongue out you move your mouth and play with your tongue too.

...or just watch us try to get you to talk :)
Then Mommy wanted to start showing your size.  Your one month photo was in your bouncer so you had to do one good one in the bouncer for month two.

one month old
two months old
Sorry the views are different, but you can tell the slight difference of how you are growing up!  So content!  Here's another way to start showing your growth.

changing mat in living room
Super long!  Still in newborn clothes however some 0-3 month stuff.  You are long like Mom and Dad so all your newborn pants are too short.  After the far away shot I just had to get one of you up close.  You are such a sweet baby to look at.

Always wide-eyed!  Daddy noticed one day how your eyes get even BIGGER (can you imagine?) when we turn off the lights in the room.  It's like you try to not miss out on seeing what is around you.  You definitely get your curiosity from your Daddy! :)  You are certainly in God's imagine.  No doubt about that.  You are so beautiful.  How badly Daddy and Mommy want you to know how much we love you.  Even when you grow up thinking we are crazy people (it's true), we hope and pray you will lean on our Savior for guidance.

I'm sorry for what I did to you next in the photo shoot.  I just wanted one good naked picture of my baby girl.  However you HATE to be naked.  You have this freak out moment and arms go wild and you burst into tears.  And Mommy's heart sinks.

Mommy tried the pacifier and it worked for awhile.  But you were still unhappy.

So with outpouring love Mommy got you dressed again and held you close.  You love your Momma's voice and she is so blessed.

My dear daughter, back when I was ten I prayed and prayed God would give me a little sister.  And even though He never gave me one....He did give me you.  And the blessings are overflowing!!  Because you look a little bit like me and a little (maybe a little bit more than a little) like your Daddy!  And that is truly a BIG blessing.  You have a very special place in my heart my dear Ellie.  And it will always be there.

Because you and me, Ellie, will always have this special bond.  You already stole my heart with those sweet looks.  Your sweet toothless smiles.  And sweet little coos.  But I'm not over yet.  You got Daddy right there too!  When he calls Mommy on his way home from work he asks about you right away.  He's disappointed when he hears you are sleeping.  He so badly wants to see you.  Mommy can't wait to see your special Daddy-Daughter bond.

It has already begun. :)

It looks like you are pushing Daddy away however you're not even touching his face.  You're actually trying to join in on the fun of your silly Daddy! :)

Happy Two-Month Birthday Ellie!  We are so thankful for what what you have brought to our lives!!


(and Daddy too)


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