First Christmas

i don't remember my first Christmas.  i don't remember seeing my first Christmas tree all lit up and decorated.  i don't remember the first time i opened my first gift. but i do remember the first time i played Mary in the Christmas play (and many more years).  i remember the first time hearing what Christmas was all about.  i remember sitting down and listening to my dad read the Christmas story.  i remember joyfully opening presents with the wasn't my first Christmas, but it has special memories.

this year would be Ellie's first Christmas.  however she will never remember.  however i still plan on making it special for Jon and I, and Ellie will be right there beside us.  because we are a family.  on Wednesday we are celebrating our little family's Christmas.  it will be a special time and hopefully will continue to be a tradition (i'm a big fan of traditions).

i'm going to try to think of something yummy to have for dinner.  then Jon and I will read the Christmas story.  we'll probably talk sweet little things about Ellie, and then we each got each other one gift.  first time to do that for Christmas.  in the past we have never really gotten each other gifts for Christmas exactly.  actually we celebrate the weekend before Christmas because that's sorta when our 'little family' began.  Saturday night before Christmas back in 2009 Jon took me out to eat and the plan was to propose to me.  i knew it was coming, but didn't know what all he had in store for me.  in fact, i have yet to write that blog post about that part of our love that will be for another post.  but until then know we got engaged December 21st, 2009.  So this year we are celebrating our little family's Christmas on Wednesday, December 21st. :)  Three years ago that day he asked me to marry him.  and i said yes.  so what better day then to celebrate our family's Christmas??

after Ellie's first Christmas she'll probably want to eat and go back to bed.  but then on Friday we'll travel to my parent's house to stay for the week.  because we will have four more Christmas' to celebrate.

so not only is this Ellie's first Christmas on Wednesday, but first of many! :)
but that's what Christmas is about.  Fellowship.  God wants us to get together with our loved ones and celebrate His birth.  I'm looking forward to spending plenty of time with family the rest of the month!!  hopefully Ellie is ready for extra hugs and kisses.

Merry Christmas everyone!!  While remembering Ellie's first Christmas, I'll also keep in mind of the very first Christmas!!  God is good like that.  children are truly a blessing. :)


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