The New Options

New updates on Jon's internship options:
1. Position in St Paul that was really something Jon was looking forward to: still waiting to hear back from them.
2. He told the Ames position no.  (Didn't seem the right fit compared to others.)
3. Driving to Iowa City position this coming Friday for a face-to-face interview.  This past week he had a phone interview for them.  He also likes this option as well.  However it would delay his graduation date to December 2012.

Praying now with the final decision in the future and also our living situation.  At some point I knew I would have to leave the family I nanny for.  I just wasn't expecting it to be so soon.  It could be as soon as December or January.  Or not until May.  Each day I'm trying to enjoy the moments I have with them.  Taking it all in.  I love them so much! :)  It's hard to be in a child's life daily for a year or so and then never hear from them again.  I'm hoping that doesn't happen with this family.  I've learned so much and will be a better mother thanks to them.


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