Missing you All

Sorry I have been away from my blog recently.  I'm really trying to keep everyone updated as much as possible. But busyness has over taken the position of updating my blog.  Jon and I have been keeping ourselves busy.  The fall semester has definitely got him going with more school work and he had quite the week with the career fair not too long ago.  And I'm adjusting with two kids at home instead of just one at my nanny job.  (I could also add the mom is their most of the time too.)  It's been an adjustment for all of us, but I see blessings coming through. :)

This past weekend Jon got a chance to see his friends for the weekend (Harvest Party) and I tagged along with him.  It's a weekend filled with games, food, and conversation.  I'm sore after playing hours of football and having little sleep.  Going to bed early tonight!

How is everyone doing?  Enjoying the wonderful fall weather we are receiving?
Let me know how your October is going!


  1. Our october is going great! we got moved into our new place which it almost twice as big and actually saves us money. We found out we are having another girl and got her name picked out. And we have started paining the girls rooms, been doing preschool and carved pumpkins! LOVE FALL!

  2. Sounds great! Pictures of the new place yet? :)


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