Kaisand Updates Finally!

I have a camera filled with pictures from this month that I am dying to share with everyone.  However the whole no computer thing for two weeks has gotten Jon and I a little behind.  We finally got it back and now spending our leisure time (well not always) watching missed shows on hulu, catching up on facebook, friends, gmail, etc.  How much we missed hulu!  We don't get TV really, just FOX and a Des Moines station (KCWI 23).  Not too bad but it gets old pretty quick.  We love sitting in front of the TV at dinner time enjoying each others company and leisurely spending time together when we can.  Some times we cuddle and watch for so long it gets too late to do the dishes.  We let them soak until it's another day.  Our poor little one-bedroom apartment kitchen.

I started to call it The Hole.

This picture was taken over a year ago so I have definitely changed things!  I even have a microwave cart blocking some of the space by the oven (the side closest to the camera).  I could go on and on about the changes....however I can save that for another day.

When my nephew was here over night he asked me how I got anything done in there, it was so small! :)

Other updates on Jon and I.....
He has a third option for internship.  And that is in Iowa City.  He had a phone interview yesterday morning and talked  to them again today and now he is going there next week. Yes, driving there next Friday for another "interview" and to see the building where he would work.

So it sounds like we will be living in Ames for less than a year now.  If you told me this a year ago I might start shouting for joy, but now I'm kind of holding back.

I love my job.  (What will I ever do without hearing those sweet words, "Maaa-dy!  Maaa-dy!" :)
I love being close to family and friends.
I love knowing how to get everywhere.
I love the routine.
I don't like change.
But it's time for change again.
And I am not God.
He has other plans for us.

It's not that I never liked living here.  It's just that it never felt like "home" or a place where I felt comfortable no matter where I drove around.  But now that I have a job (since the end of March), I don't get lost (hardly ever since now sometimes I help Jon find his way), and we are so close to family and friends.... I can't imagine being SUPER far away.  I like the option of driving 30 minutes to see my sister and her family. :)

 Come on, who doesn't want the option of seeing those cuties? (I got a chance to see each one of these four boys be brought into this world!!)

However I'll let her break the news to everyone in full, but they bought a house and will not live as close to Ames anymore.  (But that's a blessing for them!  God is working!) :)

Plus, Jon and I live 45 minutes away from his sister and her family and my parents.  How awesome is that? :)
Free laundry.  Any time.  Did I also mention hot water even after the shampoo? :)

Jon's top choices that he is leaning towards are:
1. Interested in this Iowa City position (hey, it IS in Iowa like we were always hoping for).
2. Waiting to hear back for the position in St Paul, Minnesota.  The position would be summer 2012 and could then transfer him to Clear Lake, IA.  yeah, that's Iowa but no one is even close to that area.

Iowa City we would possibly have visitors due to the fact that we have family in Des Moines and east of Des Moines.  Jon's mom lives in Newton.  We would then live over an hour east of my sister and her family and their new home.

Please pray for this upcoming transition for us!  And pictures coming soon!


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