Motivated Cleaning

If you remember my post about my issues with my Type A and Type B personalities it helps explain this post.  I organize my cleaning and organizing to keep me focused, motivated, and gets things done.  It helps me feel better when unplanned visits happen (knowing I did my deep cleaning on x -day).

Here's my weekly schedule on a "usually this happens" kind of week. :)  If it doesn't get done I don't get beat up by it.  I just move on.

Most Mondays to motivate my start of the week I sort laundry, dust the house, and pick one area to focus on "deeper cleaner."  During nap I throw in two loads of laundry and treat myself to a snack. :)

Tuesdays is catch up day.  (See, guilt free motivation!)  Sometimes Monday doesn't go well.  This is a day to not get discouraged.  I usually do more laundry and organize something.  I also sweep and wash the floors where it's needed (which usually is around the area where Ellie eats and in the kitchen and entryways).  And with Wednesdays being errands day I might have all that ready to go for the next morning. :)

Wednesdays are errands day!  Starting in September Ellie will start Kindermusik in the mornings.  I'll probably run to the grocery store, return home for lunch and give Ellie her nap.  During nap I'll clean kitchen.  Sometimes meal planning, clean fridge, microwave, counters, dishes, table and/or floors.  I usually pick two to really focus on. :)

On Thursday it's not official but I usually check the calendar and plan the weekend, rest of month or whatever is needed.  I'm a huge planner and list maker.  Can you tell yet? :)  Next, I do what I need to do to make those plans happen (weekend birthday, traveling, laundry and packing, prepare for guests, etc).  I also try to vacuum this day.

Fridays are usually prep for the weekend: packing, picking up house, collect garbage, wipe down bathroom surfaces, etc.

The weekends for the most part this summer has been swamped with traveling, so house projects have been delayed.  When Jon's at work I try to use my time wisely for stuff that can get done in the meantime.  For example: fill empty new entertainment center, organize bathroom and linen closet as bathroom got accomplished, etc.
*since I wrote this post I got a couple closets reorganized and went through a ton of papers.  Papers never end!!

On days that are "catch ups" I have my list of things to do weekly or every other week:
--vacuum and hand wash floors
--bathroom cleaning: shower, toilet, sink, vanity, floors (pick one each week)
--Ellie's room: clothes, toys, etc
--Kitchen: microwave cart, floors, random stuff on table, chairs, dishes, etc.
--Laundry: bedding, towels, blankets
--Jon mows

Seasonal/ 4 months
--Clothes: closets and drawers
--Basement *a huge project still needing attention

--> Every time we buy two new shirts pick two to give away.  (Ellie the exception of course.)

Obviously I fail at this "rough" list.  But knowing my "catch up" days are always there I try to just focus on what I can do with the time I have.  Daily if I get meals on the table and bathroom vanity wiped clean--it's a good day.  (And a shower is a bonus.)  :)  I do my best and try to not give myself a hard time.  Sometimes stuff comes up--sometimes Ellie just has a crabby day and want to smash goldfish on my clean floor or she just wants to read books and cuddle.  I adjust. :)

Main Focus:
-Don't get frustrated if you fail a day, keep going, tomorrow is a new day.
-When Ellie is twenty will she remember a messy, but playful house or spot clean house and uptight Mom?

If my focus and perspective is right it shows.  Literally. :)

Whatever it is that you do in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through him.

Whatever you do, do from the heart, as for the Lord and not for others,

Colossians 3:17, 23

So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

1 Corinthians 10:31


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