
Moving is this crazy unorganized, crazy, stressful thing that happens.  Jon and I did it less than a year ago.  I was pregnant and so uncomfortable.  Sickness.  Ugh.  But this time, moving isn't stressful.

Instead of:
-going to new place
-feeling nauseous every time I lean over
-feeling winded with small tasks like a shower
-finding a place to live
-finding the nearest grocery stores
-packing boxes and boxes
-and boxes
-trying to find a place for everything
-cleaning apartment before you leave
-trying to figure out what you'll eat once you pack up the kitchen
-driving alone while hubby in other vehicle to travel to new place
-cleaning a new place before movers come
-unpacking and slowly getting things settled
-making the place feel like "home"

I feel this extreme peace.

And that is how I know that God is directing us.

For March I have no idea exactly where we will be or what is going to take place.

But what I do know:
-packing up our Fairfax apartment
-cleaning/checking out by the end of March
-Jon starting new job March 11th (or possibly later depending)
-Living in an apartment in Ames or at my parents during the transition
-Searching for a house to live in some day

And out of all of it.  I let go.  I'm not in control.  And I'm totally okay with that.  Crazy, I know.  But I feel so much peace about it.  Packing endless boxes doesn't stress me anymore.  I did it not too long ago, but I'm not pregnant this time.  My baby is not at the age yet where she'll "help" in any way.  When I fill up a box, I won't have someone unpacking it. ;)  I feel like this is the easiest move Jon and I have ever made since we've gotten married.

The first move was to our first place as newlyweds.  That was stressful.  Trying to plan a wedding while I was working full time and Jon was in school and working part time.  Trying to join our "two lives" into one, small apartment.

part of kitchen and office


The next move was to Fairfax where we are now (the kitchen and living space as big as our last apartment).

kitchen view/ living room

our bedroom

It was stressful because we had to find a place in less than two weeks, and we had no idea where to look.  I was pregnant and Jon was starting a new job that he had no idea what it was all about.  He was busy.  I was dealing with a hard, difficult pregnancy.  It grew us.

It grew us for this moment.

I have peace in this move.  Because it's the most stress{less} move we have made as a married couple.  And I'm so fortunate to have a happy hubby* along with me!

It's reminding me of the man I met, and I'm so glad that this represents the move.  We're on a journey that God has planned for us.  And we are both on board!  And I know God has the reigns.  And we wouldn't want it any other way!

*Side note: Hubby is a little overwhelmed with the move.  Not because he's worried or anything.  But moving in general stresses him out.  His mom is in the SAME house he was born and raised in.  Since I've known him, this will be his fifth move (two of those during college and one of them because we got married so those don't really count, right?).  While this will be my ninth.  It's not so crazy for me.


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