Ellie Marie {4 months}

My sweet, baby girl is four months old today!  She is growing up so fast!  It's easy to forget all her little stages in life, so when I look back at old pictures it brings back memories.

This past month has definitely been fun with our little sweetheart.  For sure!

Here she is when I gave her a bath today....after her six hour nap.  Yeah, you heard me right, six hours!  This girl LOVES to sleep!  And I'm able to write this post because after being awake for over an hour and a half she was ready to go BACK to sleep!  Oh, silly girl!  We had a fun Super Bowl party last night and she took a quick little cat nap while there, but other than that she was awake.  I think that totally wore her out.  When we returned home I fed her and put her right to bed!  She didn't wake up until 8:15 this morning!  And then slept again from 9am-3pm!  Oh, Ellie....
Now I don't share this to make you all jealous.  Because geez the weez I don't know what I did.  Jon and I were JUST talking about this too.  We didn't really do anything to get her this way.  She just likes to sleep.  As soon as she turned three weeks old she switched day and night back around.  (Thank goodness because my mom had gone home before that!)  And then when she slept in our room in the bassinet I just gave her the pacifier to put her back to sleep if she woke up after only an hour.  And it did the trick.  Until she didn't like her arms to be swaddled.  Ugg.....that was a month or two ago! a-ha!  This month she learned how to change the fist into the fingers she wanted!! :)

You go girl!!! :)

When we first transitioned her to her crib a month ago, I was concerned about her waking up and needing the paci to return her back to sleep.  However Jon and I had planned to let her cry for no longer than ten minutes and then we would go in.  (Best to make that decision as a COUPLE before it's the middle of the night!  Just sayin'...)

So we heard her a couple times in the night, one time she would fall asleep and the other time it was the "I'm hungry" cry!  But after a few nights (or maybe a couple weeks off and on?) she had it figured out.  And she gave me 8 to 10 hour stretches at night.  Auhhh.....she makes me THINK I have parenting down.  However I know I DON'T.  Because I still question myself.  And I know each child is different.  Just because my girl put herself on a schedule does not mean I had anything to do with that!  So please understand that.  And know this blog is for FUTURE reference, kinda like a baby book, and not to show off.  So this blog post is more for her parents than for anything else.  Plus to show off her growth! :)

So, please, don't make yourself feel guilty or feel like a bad parent because your baby isn't sleeping at night or taking naps.  My second baby might have huge issues with this and I'll refer to your guidance.  It's just a matter of personality for the baby!

Ahem, back to my four month old, the reason for this post! :)

Last month she was sweet and good...and kicking her legs up!

3 months
This month she is sweet and bubbly (literally doing spitting contests with herself)!

4 months
But before I could get that picture.  You just had to sneeze!!

Hee hee.  Now I had to get the bouncer seat out of her bedroom.  Because we don't have her sit in it hardly ever.  Because now she's just so fascinated with her swing.

3 months
And now...

Her head is really filling out.  How weird is that to say??  [When Daddy read this later, he noticed longer legs!  Must be from all that "running" you like to do!]  She is long and lean.  Still in 3 month clothes.  However yesterday her pants that said 3 months were too short.  Hmm....sounds more and more like the issues her Mommy had growing up!

Next, for her 4 month photo shoot I put her in her absolute favorite spot to be (unless she is awake and happy).

Some day to compare, she will look so tiny.  However she looks so big to me now!

And she just couldn't help but smile for me!! :)

*How could I forget to put this in the post?  DUH MOMMA!!!  Ellie started to laugh this month!!!  Yeah!  Lovin' it! :)

Ellie, your sweetness is over flowing!  I can't wait to see your personality shine through as you grow up!  Daddy and I are so excited to see your sweetness love on others.

"Consider it pure joys, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds." James 1:2

"Rejoice in the Lord always I will say it again.  Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13


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