All uphill from here

My positive, motivated thoughts on moving have not changed. We have no idea exactly where we will be living in the Ames area....yet. But until then my parents are letting us crash in their basement. Which is really nice of them. A huge blessing while we search homes, and Jon starts his new job on March 11th. My week is not going how I had hoped. I was so excited to return from the weekend and get unpacked, laundry done, and start packing boxes until my fingers were taped together! However Sunday night I had to stop. I went to bed feeling a little uneasy. Then about 2am I woke up even more uncomfortable. From then on until 7:30am I had the stomach flu (chills, sweats, garbage bag, etc). You get the idea. : / Uuugh....just a bunch of ickyness. Poor Jon could not sleep through it. He had to return to work by 8am and I kept Ellie in bed with me all day. She took great naps for me and we did fairly well considering. (So ...