{Stuff} from September

September was kind of an all around crazy month!  It's pretty much a blur looking back.  It's not quite over yet, but because I am past my due date (9/25) let's just say it's pretty much done. ;P  It's close enough, right?  Sorry, it's quite long and I got into details.  So you are warned ahead of time.

Because we were without internet the whole month (unless I traveled somewhere) I didn't keep up on the blog.  So now is your chance to hear all the stuff we completed/accomplished/dealt with in September!  Some things were more enjoyable than others.  The best way to not forget anything is to go week-by-week. To help me not forget any details I have my handy dandy (oh boy blue's clues) planner and my pregnancy journal.  I love my planner and so sad to see 2012 soon to end, because I will have to find one JUST as good as this one.  It's not super tiny or anything but it's handy because right inside the cover has a small section fit for loose papers and notes (like a folder).  It's so nice!  I love it!  I put coupons and random things in it from time to time and wherever I go, my planner is with me!  I don't loose those random papers you stick in your purse!  Or soon I shall say "diaper bag!" :)

September started off with Labor Day weekend, which I think is pretty awesome! :)  I love Labor Day weekend!  Filled with family, friends, and food! :)  What more can a prego girl ask for?  Oh gosh, next year I'll have a nearly one-year old to keep track of!
That Saturday, Sept 1st we watched the first Hawkeye game of the season and watched them win.  On Sunday we attended JEFC with family and then headed to the lake in Panora, IA for the annual Tometich Family Reunion.  My sister surprised us all and came to visit!  They live in Kansas City and just dealt with their new addition to the family (Abraham) and dealing with lots of issues with his body.  You can read all about his story here, and the many issues he had to go through.  Poor guy.  Well, it was a huge surprise to see them arrive to Iowa because that little guy shouldn't be in the sun.  The Lord blessed us with a cloudy Labor Day at Adventureland.  We were so thankful Abraham did well and it was fun to see the whole family together not during a hectic holiday weekend (like Christmas or Thanksgiving).

Labor Day at Adventureland went SO fast I couldn't believe it!  I was thinking it was going to not go by as quickly as normal since I could hardly ride any rides since I was past the 8 month mark of pregnancy (37 weeks)!  I had a great time enjoying food and friends.  I have the best friends ever, really.  My friend Katelyn came to visit with me.  Her plan was to just sit on benches with me while my other friends rode rides so we could catch up on life.  I rarely get to see her and it was such a wonderful treat for me.  So humbling and gracious.  After awhile we went to the water park where I could just relax and enjoy being in water.  It put a lot of weight off and it felt good.  My friends Megan and Britney walked with me in the lazy river while we talked newlywed/parenting chats.  It's fun to have friends going along in life with you.
*Side note: We used to be in a small group with these guys.  The "original group" I guess you could call us.  However the move to Cedar Rapids has changed our ability to stay connected as well, and we're praying and searching for such a closeness and deep relationship here in Cedar Rapids through our new church.

After Adventureland we went back home to Fairfax.  It was not too bad of a week for Jon (thankful for one less day in the week).  Then Friday after our OB GYN appointment we went straight to Des Moines for a friend's wedding from my childhood days. :)  Yes, I did get out on the dance floor, but not as long as I usually do.  I had to stop for potty breaks, snacks, and let my ankles rest.  Saturday was a sad day for the Hawkeyes because ISU just had to come out stronger again this year.  However I must say...neither team did very well.  I'm a Daddy's girl so I grew up to be a Hawkeye fan.  I even wrote a post about this! :)

Anyways, I love watching football but it's not the end of the world if my favorite teams don't win.  I did enjoy my Godfather's Pizza and the two dessert pizzas my parents got for us during the game!  (We couldn't decide on just ONE dessert.) :)  Then we watched Ice Age as a family since Jon had never seen it.

Sunday we went to JEFC with family and lately at church I have to sit down the entire time (even during the music), because mornings are just harder to deal with pregnancy and I don't have enough food in me.  We went for lunch and I had many plates full of food, and lets just say buffets are the BEST!! :)  The afternoon Jon's sister and family came over to play outside and then go out for dinner to celebrate Jon's birthday in Des Moines.  Last time we were visiting before our baby arrives! :)  We went out to the Cheesecake Factory and returned home with yummy cake.  Here's some fun pics from the night.  Unfortunately we were too busy talking when Jon's sister's family was there and there are no pictures with them. :(

My dad "reading" the menu.  Apparently when you are a Grandpa it's hard to read. ;)

"Happy Birthday Hubby!" :)

Jon, Me, and my extra prego chin.  This one turned out better than the first one!
Monday I was pretty sore and Jon was back at work.  However we got a lot of organizing done in the apartment and we prayed together before we fell asleep.  It was such a blessed moment.  Tuesday was Sept 11th, and my crib bedding arrived in the mail!  Thanks Mom! :)  It's super adorable.  I would post updated pictures of our nursery, however we left out camera at the wedding reception.  Boo :(  My parents are bringing it to us when my mom comes to help support me during labor. :)  This week was pretty tough for Jon.  After a nice four-day week prior he returned with some unhappy business to take care of.  He doesn't hear of any mistakes he made until weeks or even months later, and that's really hard!

The rest of the week I worked on laundry for the baby stuff and keeping up on our laundry.  Then when I got a chance to have Jon he helped me do the more tricky things to do when you are nine months pregnant. :)  Thursday I had lunch with my "Cedar Rapids Mom," Sherry Grunder.  (Our friend, Megan's family took us in those couple weeks when we had no place to go since our apartment wasn't available yet.)  That night we had our first Labor & Birth class.

The weekend we got so much done since we didn't have to travel.  I was so thankful to finally have more of the to do list accomplished.  The nursery was starting to look more like a place where a baby could sleep. :)  Sunday we got to return to "our church" here in Cedar Rapids.

The next week was tough with random sickness I had through out the day.  It was so random and I didn't know why it was happening.  It was pregnancy week #38.  My daughter would continue to move around at night keeping me awake and then waking me up in the morning to eat ASAP.
*Now that I am at 40 weeks, that 38 week movement was a lot easier to deal with then this sharp pain I'm dealing with while trying to rest.

 Thursday (9/20) marked Jon's birthday!  We went to Pancheros for dinner and then went to our birth class preparing us for labor. :)  Afterwards we got frosty's from Wendy's and of course I had to add french fries. :)

Friday at our appointment we got checked and I was one cm dilated.  So now we know we are making some progress.  No contractions yet worth keeping track of, but just a lot of discomfort in pelvic area and around the belly.  Oh my sweet daughter, we are so excited to finally meet you!

The weekend Jon's mom came to visit and Jon had to work a little bit on Saturday. Then nine month prego me played some tennis with them (part of Jon's birthday celebration).  Afterwards we returned to the apartment to get ready to go out to dinner.  My sister Melissa, her son Sam, and family friend Lisa came to celebrate Jon's birthday.  We gave them a tour of the apartment and then went out to eat.  Make a guess of what place we went?  If you guessed Mexican, how did you know? ;)  We had a wonderful time and then they headed back to Grinnell to put Melissa's kiddos to bed.  Then Jon's mom, Jon, and I went back for pumpkin pie. :)  Melinda and I talked while Jon played his video game, and we went to bed late.  We took Melinda to visit our church and returned home for a yummy roast in the crock pot.

September 25, 2012 we became 40 weeks pregnant.  No sign of baby yet.  I've been reading books on labor and early stages of parenting with a newborn.  I'm also working on packing for the hospital.  Jon and I try to enjoy quiet evenings together while they last. :)  Jon is starting to like to go to bed early and read.  I'm okay with that, however I end up staying awake past midnight with a hard belly and baby moving around like crazy.  So I usually walk laps in the bedroom and stretch.  Some nights we take time talking about what it will be like to be parents and what we think our daughter will be like.  However most nights Jon ends up falling asleep pretty fast and I end up playing card games on the ipod.  A human being moving inside you is the coolest and weirdest feeling by far.  It's not like any thing else.

Well, that's our September.  Hope you were able to stick along with me.  I'm sure ready for October! :)  Bring on the apples, pies, and all the other yummy fall goodies. And of course, we will have a baby to enjoy! :D


  1. Isn't it crazy to think that at any moment, you will begin labor? So cool! Can't wait. :) If you haven't already, you may want to take a side and front view of 40 weeks preggo. :) Hope to see you soon!!

  2. I wish I could take pictures! This poor baby has very few prego pics to look at! :( We don't have our camera. It was left at Kayla Boyd's wedding and Gary brought it to mom and dad. Mom will bring it to Cedar Rapids when she comes.


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