Our Week in Meals

I haven't been to the grocery store for quite some time. However I did have to have Jon make a quick stop this week and pick up cheese and milk. But seriously, do you really want to cook with old milk? :P Monday Lunch : I had packed Jon leftovers from the week before (Spaghetti casserole) And I had the rest of my leftovers from Sunday's dinner with my parents (Mushroom Swiss from Okaboji Grill) Dinner : Italian Seasoning Chicken* and carrots with baked potatoes (*Recipe at bottom) Tuesday Lunch : Chicken Leftovers Dinner : Homemade Mac&Cheese, corn, and grapes Wednesday Lunch : leftovers Dinner : Jon had a mix of leftovers and cereal, while I finished off the Chicken from Monday Thursday Lunch : Jon had burritos (from freezer section) and I had leftover Mac&Cheese Dinner : Honey Mustard Chicken Friday We are going out of town at some point after Jon gets off work and I have an appointment at 2:30pm. So lunch is probably to just wor...