It's all about LOVE!

I love it when I get up earlier than Jon and look back at him and he has scooted over to use my pillow.
I love it how I can just unpack things and lay cords on the bed and he'll plug them in to charge our stuff.
I love it how he only wants to get gas at the cheapest possible place,
and that means we're usually together traveling and I have only gotten gas as a married woman once.
I love it how even when we are both tired and exhausted he can still get us laughing.
I love it how we check back with each other on a conversation that "didn't go quite right."
I love it how even though he's not a planner he's still okay with having anniversaries be special.
I love it how he's careful with our budget.
I love it how he's willing to massage my feet when I just can't stand the pain anymore.
I love it how he's willing to get out of bed to get me protein when I'm feeling sick to my stomach.
I love it how he lets me kiss him good-bye before he leaves me for his three-hour night class.
I love it how he's okay with frozen pizza for dinner.
I love it how he makes the bed before we leave my parent's house to keep it nice for them.
I love it how he's willing to load the car with our stuff,
and its quite the load because we do our laundry at my parent's house.
I love it how he lets me know he appreciates me.
I love it how he can tell in the dark if we need to "talk" about something before we fall asleep.
I love it how he trusts me with our grocery budget.
I love it when we talk about being parents.
I love seeing him with kids and especially babies.
I love seeing our one and a half year old nephew pick him over me.

I love it how he allows me to open up my heart and share with him what I'm most passionate about.
I love it how he opens the Bible and just starts reading it like any other book to grasp the stories,
and he loves to find application and awe and discuss it with me every time.
I love it how I can share my whole heart with him and he'll encourage me the whole time.
I love it how even though he knows me at my lowest point he still: encourages, supports, loves, and admires me.
I love it how I can call him my husband,
and no man on this earth will ever be able to take his place.

I still look at him like that. :)
....and so thankful he does too.


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