2012, yes we are still here!

As I sit hear waiting to see updates and new blog posts from other people, and in the mean time you haven't gotten an update for about a month from us!

But we have been a little busy and I have nearly zero to no amount of time on a computer these days.  After new years, Jon and I spent the next few days preparing for his last semester of school to start and for me to return back to work full-time.  I got nearly three weeks off.  So we spent the first week in January deep cleaning our apartment.  It was a HUGE relief. :)

                                                    So much cleaner! :)

                                                                 Right when you walk in....you see the living room to your right.

                           But first thing walking in you see the office, dinning room....you know one-bedroom apartment stuff.

                                                    Bedroom with a bookshelf in it because we don't have an actual office room yet. :)

Jon and I are enjoying this stage in our life right now.  And we know these next couple months are going to go even more crazy-busy.  Jon's school will certainly pick up as he finishes his last semester of school.  Ever! :)  And my job is getting more hectic in its own ways.  However we've been working on going to bed at a decent time and getting up about the same time on weekdays.  I also like to try to go to bed with out messes still out. From time to time we won't always be able to keep up on these messes, but we know how much better we feel walking into a clutter-free apartment. :)

In six months we will be living somewhere else.  So when we had the place cleaner than clean I took photos so we could have some memory shots. :)  Some day our kids will appreciate seeing them.

Looking forward to what 2012 brings....a new apartment.  More space (God-willing).  And a husband not in school anymore (graduates on my birthday in May).  The best birthday present ever huh? :)

Thanks everyone for holding on.....I've been meaning to put a Part 2 to a post I wrote a year ago..  Some day I will get better at keeping up on these posts.  It's just hard to get my brain working in writing mode.  It's all I can do to come up with something to make for dinner.


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