
I love my husband so much!  It has been hard this past week to see him so overly stressed with finishing up this semester in school.  He has a LOT of group projects, papers to write, and exams to focus on.  His boss also told him he has plenty to do there, and to "make sure you kissed your wife good because you may not be seeing her for awhile."  If you think about it, would you mind lifting him up in prayer?

Thank you so much!  If you haven't gotten a chance yet, check out our pictures from Thanksgiving week on facebook.  It was a fun week with friends, family, and extended! :)

Jon and I are really thankful.....
-God and His unfailing love and faithfulness
-God allowing us to be saved and know Him personally
-God's provision: in our marriage and lives around us
-His Word
-Family: their help, love, and support
-Friends: their accountability and time
-Marriage: commitment and relationship
-Provision: God always provides us with our needs
-Answers to prayer
-The blessings God has poured out on us

We are hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and was able to spend time with family and friends!!!


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