Oh wow--October!

Can't believe it's already November.  But I love this time of year....wearing sweat shirts, colorful leaves, yummy food, and family gatherings for the holidays!  It's the beginning of a new month, so it's time to update everyone on how the last month went for us!  It was a busy month filled with everything on the weekends!

The first weekend was so nice.  Jon and I went to Johnston to stay at my parent's house for the weekend.  Saturday morning we celebrated Evelyn's 2nd birthday.  That evening Jon and I left for Josh & Leah's wedding.  It was so nice to visit with people we haven't seen for awhile.  It was a beautiful, God-honoring wedding!  On Sunday we went to my childhood church in Altoona for a reunion.  After the reunion, we went to a coffee shop to play games with some of my friends.  I don't get to seem them too often!  That night Jon went back to Ames, while I stayed in Johnston.  
Britney turned 19 on Monday, October 4th.  She didn't know that she was also going to be getting engaged.  It was fun to see how surprised she was, and I'm so happy for her!  I remember those joyful, giddy days! :)  That night I spent the night at her house just like old times.  It was nice to have some girl time!  Tuesday mom took me back to Ames and helped me pick out some pictures at Hobby Lobby to hang up on our white, boring walls.  

                                           Taken before going to Josh & Leah's Wedding

                                             The new, engaged couple!! :)

I can't remember what was going on, but Jon and I went back to Johnston the following weekend.  Saturday we went on our first date night as a married couple!!  We went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner and then out to Gray's Lake.  Neither of us has gotten the chance to enjoy it out there yet, so it was fun to do it together!  The bridge was beautiful at night.  On Sunday we drove back in time to our Ames small group, because I was in charge of bringing treats.  It was an interesting night, something I can post about at a later time.

                                              My sweet, funny husband.  Notice the sign.

                                        God gave us a beautiful sunset to enjoy.

                                            I just love the colors on the bridge!

The next weekend we went back to Johnston, because it was my grandma's birthday and Britney was going shopping for her wedding dress!  Saturday we went to a couple shops and she had me help her with her photography assignment.  (By the way, she picked one!  It definitely has Britney written all over it!)  Sunday, after church, we went to back to my parent's house.  We enjoyed the company of the Ulrickson's and Mariam and Asri.  During the kid's nap time we played some games and had a wonderful time filled with much laughter! :)  Before dinner time, we went to go see my grandma.  We ate dinner with her, and Jon and I helped entertain the kids.  She was really happy to see everyone!  She also enjoyed holding baby Frank, her great grandson.

                                            The Family, minus Liz and her clan

Wednesday's I'm starting to go down to Ankeny and help Melissa out.  October 20th was my first time going "officially."  It was cute to see Sam (5 yr old) play with Max (2 yr old) football for an hour.  They would take turns running around the house and kicking the football, while the other one waited holding the football up in place for the kicker.

    Here is Sam showing Max how to hold the football so he can come to kick it.

The next weekend we went to the annual Harvest Party down in Essex, Iowa!  Jon's friend's from college (Crown in Minnesota) get together every year to hang out and play games.  It was a lot of fun!  It was wonderful to get to know his friends.  We played football and telepictionary.  
Sunday we drove back in time for me to make it to my sister in law's (Elizabeth Flug) baby shower at JEFC.

The last weekend in October we came down to make it to our friend, Ryan Wilson's birthday party.  Sunday we went to JEFC church service, and then went to lunch with family and friends at Texas Roadhouse.  Yumm!  Back at my parent's house Jon and I helped my parents go through their storage space.  I had a lot of things to go through!  I need to become better at just giving things away.  Too many memories attached to items!  During the sorting my dad and Jon took a break to work on Jon's accounting homework.  He had an accounting test on Tuesday, November 2nd.  So he really wanted to make sure he understood the material.  

That was our "Oh wow--October!"  Filled with lots of fun!!! :)
Looking forward to Thanksgiving!!!  We have so many things to be thankful for this year!
The Kaisands


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