Birthday Questionnaire Jayden #4

I did this questionnaire with Ellie when she turned four so I thought it would be fun to see the comparison with Jayden's answers.  (I added my input.)

How old are you? 4 (He showed me his 4 fingers too!)
What is your favorite color? Orange!
What is your favorite toy? Boats! (we just got him boats on our Florida vacation)
Favorite fruit: blueberries (true!  Meanwhile its like the ONE fruit Ellie doesnt like.)
Favorite food: pb&j
Favorite TV show: Paw Patrol
Favorite outfit: Paw Patrol (anything!)
Favorite Game: Sequence! (for kids)
Favorite snacks: (he couldnt think of anything so I helped him with granola bars)
Favorite animal: "Cheetah! Because it goes really fast!" (he started to dash around the room)

Favorite book: Paw Patrol (we don't own one)
Favorite breakfast item: Cereal (truth)
What do you like to do outside? Play with my bike
Favorite drink: Chocolate milk (I honestly thought he would say water)
What do you like to have in bed with you? My lovie

Favorite thing to eat for dinner? Meatballs
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A friend (bless him!)

Who is your best friend?  My friends! (He means his cousins)
What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? play catch!
What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Snuggle

What does Daddy always say? Jayden!
What does Mommy always say? JayJay

What is your favorite place to go? WENDYS! (Umm.....Ellie always wants to go there! I think Fire Station would be his favorite.)

His typical routine for the day:
7 Wake up
9 Second Breakfast
11 Lunch
3:30 (normally) pick up Ellie from school
After school play with Ellie
5/5:30 Supper
7-8 Bedtime

*If we lay with him for a bit he usually falls asleep. If he gets a nap we're doomed and hes up well past 11pm*


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