Birthday Questionnaire Jayden #4

I did this questionnaire with Ellie when she turned four so I thought it would be fun to see the comparison with Jayden's answers. (I added my input.) How old are you? 4 (He showed me his 4 fingers too!) What is your favorite color? Orange! What is your favorite toy? Boats! (we just got him boats on our Florida vacation) Favorite fruit: blueberries (true! Meanwhile its like the ONE fruit Ellie doesnt like.) Favorite food: pb&j Favorite TV show: Paw Patrol Favorite outfit: Paw Patrol (anything!) Favorite Game: Sequence! (for kids) Favorite snacks: (he couldnt think of anything so I helped him with granola bars) Favorite animal: "Cheetah! Because it goes really fast!" (he started to dash around the room) Favorite book: Paw Patrol (we don't own one) Favorite breakfast item: Cereal (truth) What do you like to do outside? Play with my bike Favorite drink: Chocolate milk (I honestly thought he would say water) What do you like to have in be...