Jay is "3"

Birthday Questions

Jayden turned three in March and I need to make a post for his birthday! We had terrible long illness in March and didn't get a party for him. Then I had hernia surgery.   I dont want to forget all the little details of our #BabyJay

When Ellie turned four I did a questionnaire with her, with Jayden turning three I asked same questions but put in the real answers. ;)

How old? 3
Favorite color: orange
Favorite toy: car
Favorite fruit: cantaloupe
Favorite food: pb&j sandwich
Favorite TV show: Paw Patrol
Favorite outfit: fire truck jammies
Favorite game: cars game
Favorite snacks: granola bar
Favorite animal: horse (I think because that's Ellies fav)
Favorite book: Firetruck book
Favorite breakfast: granola bar
Favorite thing to do outside: ride bike, help Daddy
Favorite drink: milk or water
Favorite thing to have in bed with you: Lovie and pacifier

Favorite supper: pizza
What I want to be when I grow up: Big
Best friend: Ellie
(He calls all the kids he sees his "friends". He really likes his cousins too.)

Favorite thing to do: H
(I dont know what that means. His favorite thing to do is play with his vehicles, dance to music, and be a part of everything we do)

Favorite thing to do with Mom: go to Kindermusik

Favorite thing to do with Dad: go on a walk
What does Daddy say a lot? Circles
(??? Hes a goof. Daddy probably asks him "show me." Because we taught Jay to show us something if we couldn't understand what he was trying to say.)

What does Mommy say a lot?
(He had no answer. Its probably "come on." Now that he's Mr. Independent with everything. )

Favorite places to go: music class
(He also likes running errands with Daddy, especially on Saturday mornings.)

Typical Day for Jay:
7am Wake up (6am is more typical)
Breakfast (toast/cereal/yogurt)
#BigSis leaves around 8:15am for school

8:30/9 Second Breakfast
(Usually when Mom finally eats)

*Tuesdays was Kindermusik Sept-April this past year.

11am Lunch (pb&j or leftovers)
Noon/2pm rest time somewhere in there. Sometimes he naps sometimes not. But it's no longer a set time where he lays down in his room. He usually snuggles me on the couch.

3:30 pick up #BigSis
4 snacks
5 Supper
Family time (chores or a game)

6:30/7 bedtime routine

Not uncommon for him to take about an hour to fall asleep if he took a nap at all that day. If no nap he falls asleep rather quickly.

Due to my surgery we changed his bed to a toddler bed, so that changed a lot of the routine. Allows him to move around which made us have to change some ways we go about bedtime and resting. He also can get himself out/in to my car without me having to help (except to buckle). It takes Forever but it gets the job done so I didnt have to lift him.

Ending with picture of the kids. They have a love/hate relationship similar to any sibling bond. As they work through their personality differences and decisions. Jayden is still learning personal space and understanding what Ellie can handle and navigating all that is quite the ordeal. But every so often I catch a moment like this one. Shes teaching Jay subtraction.  💜💙


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