Jay is "3"

Birthday Questions Jayden turned three in March and I need to make a post for his birthday! We had terrible long illness in March and didn't get a party for him. Then I had hernia surgery. I dont want to forget all the little details of our #BabyJay When Ellie turned four I did a questionnaire with her, with Jayden turning three I asked same questions but put in the real answers. ;) How old? 3 Favorite color: orange Favorite toy: car Favorite fruit: cantaloupe Favorite food: pb&j sandwich Favorite TV show: Paw Patrol Favorite outfit: fire truck jammies Favorite game: cars game Favorite snacks: granola bar Favorite animal: horse (I think because that's Ellies fav) Favorite book: Firetruck book Favorite breakfast: granola bar Favorite thing to do outside: ride bike, help Daddy Favorite drink: milk or water Favorite thing to have in bed with you: Lovie and pacifier Favorite supper: pizza What I want to be when I grow up: Big Best friend: Elli...