This is Me

As a Mom I have really had to take a step back and acknowledge who I am versus what the world tells me I should be.  It's so easy to start feeling guilty for not being who your kids want you to be in reality it's impossible to be everything for everyone.  I decided to sit down and ponder what I am versus what I am not to remind myself to take note of the blessings I have to offer as a parent.

You probably wont find me hiking five miles with my little kids for the fun of it,
You can find me more often than not playing for hours of the same game to bring joy to my daughter during a toddler nap.

You are more than likely never going to find me building something as a DIY.
I can turn a closet into an organized space and make it look pretty while doing it.

It's very rare to find me in the kitchen making something I've never heard of or made before
You can usually find me using my laundry system that best fits my style.

You will rarely ever find me doing messy crafts with the kiddos.
I can come up with active activities for rainy days on the spot.

I can not sew at all.
I keep up on sales and my kids always have clothes they love and enjoy for decent prices.

You will never find me jumping out of bed enthusiastic about the morning
I can deep clean at midnight if I have to. (comes in handy when it's puke from sick kid)

I dread making phone calls or answering the phone if I don't know the person.
I can keep track of my calendar and not forget what my schedule looks like.

I am not a constant doer.
I can be chill and relax even with a kitchen so messy you think I need to hire a maid.

I rarely deep clean my floors.
I'm too busy playing with my toddler.

I don't stress out about health stuff
I take myself to the chiropractor every other week and my kids every month to boost our immune system.

I don't always keep my kids busy and content by going places a lot.
I usually have items stashed away in my purse to keep them content in public places.

I'm a homebody with an extrovert oldest child.

I'm the strict on bedtime Mom.
My kids sleep until morning and rarely wake in the night, with the results of well rested children.

I didn't cosleep past a certain age.
You can find my kids snuggling with us on Saturday mornings.

I rarely spend a lot of time outdoors.
It allows my kids to adjust to what Mom and Dad offer is different and that is okay.

I hate hand sanitizer
I insist on washing hands with water and soap.

You will rarely find me washing my car.
I will spend thirty minutes in the shower with my daughter as she copes with her sensory feelings and needs my help to wash her hair.

I take forever to do some things and make lists
Everything has a place and when we travel it's easier to find what you need because I spent that extra time. (pajamas before we head out to go back home?  got it.)

I can't remember your phone number or sometimes even your name.
I remember what we talked about when we last met a few months ago.

I get overwhelmed easily when surrounded by people I hardly know or never met before
I can sit down with one or two people I know really well and be a true friend


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