Reflecting over 2018

Life happened and we didnt do family pictures this fall. I'm hoping to figure out a better plan next year.

Ellies 6th birthday 

Looking back the year is kind of a whirlwind.  Jayden turned two. We invited family to celebrate at Perfect Games for some arcade games and bowling.  Ellie finished preschool, I turned 30, took kids to the zoo on our anniversary,  found out we had headlice (blogpost about that experience), Ellie took a summer hip hop class, and we attended weddings. Jon and I had a weekend at hotel for my birthday and I ended up getting sick. We went to the Iowa State Fair with Jon's mom and Ellie started Kindergarten.  That would have to be the biggest change of our year. It's been very good to bring routine into her day.  I also signed Jayden up for Kindermusik.  He's been enjoying it and appreciates it more than Ellie did.  Ellie and I both take a dance class. You can watch the recital June 2019. Jon turned 34. In October Ellie turned six and we threw her a unicorn party for family.  And the past few weeks have been holidays and the usual busyness this time of year brings.

Ellie is our unicorn child. She is a great sleeper meanwhile full of life and Spirit.  Kindergarten has really helped her blossom. Shes writing, reading, and constantly talking about new vocabulary and concepts she has learned at school.  I'm so thankful I set aside my dream of teaching my kids at home and allowing her to blossom in a setting that better suits her. It's truly a blessing for us both.  💜  like I mentioned above, she's taking dance class and loves it. She loves to show off what she's learning and anytime she hears music she's dancing around. Usually you can also find her singing (busting out) her made up songs.  After a long day at school she still enjoys coming home to continue more learning. I usually find her wanting to accomplish a workbook with me, writing more, or interested in art.  She has a huge love for animals. Unfortunately for her Daddy isnt much for pets so she will just have to hold off. We can see her getting more involved with animals as she gets older. She constantly talks about wanting to become a vet.  It's been fun to watch her grow into a person and less of a little kid.

Ellie and Jayden's relationship is what you would probably expect it to be. They play well together.  Ellie is usually bossing Jayden around and he follows her lead. He loves it when it's time to pick her up from school.  They have typical sibling issues. It has helped to have Jayden start to talk and communicate better. Each year keeps getting better and better with him. 💚

Goofing around on the couch

Reading one of his favs

Teaching how to wash his hands

Each year Jayden has gotten easier. He does have some typical toddlerisms. He knows what he wants, how he wants it, etc but nothing compared to how Ellie did so at least we got that going for us. He is the sweetest, kindest little guy ever. Knowing he's our last I try to embrace every thing.  I want his cute little baby voice to stay.  He loves hugs and kisses and will even ask for them.  He enjoys his Kindermusik class.  Any vehicle that makes noise is awesome.  Grocery shopping has changed where we can't go inside until we check out the big trucks hauling in merchandise.  Buckling up in the car comes to a halt until I can tell him what noise he can hear (usually an emergency vehicle,  train, or truck backing up). He could live off pb&j, steamed veggies, peanut butter crackers, and fruit snacks. Hes my sweet tooth kid. (Ellie loves ice cream but rarely finishes a sugar cookie.)

Something random I dont want to forget about Jayden is how helpful he is. He picks up after himself or if we ask for help he's more than willing. After he felt done with his bath he put the toys away, took out the plug and called for me to get him out.  It's been a blessing to have a kid that does what they're told rather promptly.   Rarely do we have him not obey or be open to us giving direction.

Jon has had the least amount of change this last year.  He still works at Seymour Screen Excellence where he specializes in the products and helps manage the workload. It's been a great job for him. He can stay at his desk and work on emails, answer the phone, or jump up and work on making a screen.  I'm also appreciative that his job allows him to stop what he's doing if something is going on at home that I need his help with or he needs time off.  He spends enough time at home to acknowledge what I do and appreciates my stay at home mom lifestyle.   Two kids has led to messier house when he comes home from work and he's gotten to the point where he just knows that's our new normal.  We love the weekends where we get more time with him. 💜

Updates with me, I feel as if you already know everything if you follow me on Facebook and Instagram.  I'm a pretty open book.  This year has been a struggle for me personally.  I'm working through a lot of personal stuff, health concerns (nothing serious), and balancing the day to day. In some ways I feel like I lost my fun self and my goal was to search for answers this year. That started with taking a dance class Wednesday nights. So far I've brushed up on hip hop, tap, ballet, and jazz.  I've also made sure to speak up for myself for my health. Acknowledge that it's not bad to ask for help or support. Allowed Jon to help out and not worry how things are done differently than if I did them. I'm also learning to set better boundaries with myself, kids, and others.  I'm feeling less guilty and not letting the hard parenting moments get to me so much. I can say "no" for the sake of my well being and my daughter can learn that everything I do doesn't have to make her happy.

My birthday party


My Minnie Me 

Lunch with Sis on her birthday

Life is filled with long days and short years. That could not be more true. I blinked and my baby boy is now a talking, running cute kid. I look into Ellie's eyes at night and notice I no longer see a baby face.  I love to catch glimpses of our days together and try to soak in all the good stuff. I'm a proud mom and thankful for my devoted husband. 

Hope everyone has a chance to soak in all the blessings of the year, breathe during busy holiday season, and find restoration in the new year! If you made it this far, I thank you all. 😊



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