Pregnancy & Infant Loss {Day}

This day is always confusing for me on how to approach it, process, and be cautious on how I word things. I wouldn't want to deepen the pain for someone else. Do I share posts from my past to allow others to not feel alone? Do I open up to offer a safe space for others to learn from my own experiences? Where do I even begin?

Everyone mourns differently. Everyone grieves in a different way. What one might want your response to be might hurt someone else. Take with caution and just listen is my best advice.

Today I can listen to your story. Open to hearing what breaks your heart. What makes you have to leave a store due to a trigger? What days do you need to step away from social media? Who is someone you can't communicate with because they don't understand?  I'm here to listen and empathize with you as you attend baby showers and have to force a smile on your face. I can relate with asking yourself endless questions of what could of been or countless what if.

My two losses didn't make it past the first trimester so no, I can't relate with everything.  I can't fully empathize what you have gone and currently going through.  But I will be here for when you're ready. I'm available to listen and walk beside you however that may look.

Know I sympathize with you today. I'm listening. Your loss was not your fault.  I'm here whenever you need someone to just listen.


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