Never TWO late for Jay
Today I realized I never did a post for Jayden's two year old birthday. I'm just four months behind. 😂😂
Jayden has changed so much this year and Jon and I are constantly telling each other how much we adore him. Ellie started to become really hard at this stage of her life, while life has become easier for him. He still has typical toddler stuff but he's so fun!
A few words to sum him up are: vehicles, pretend play, cute, loving, sensitive
The siblings either love each other or are screaming and crying at each other. Rarely is there anything in between.
Even after a huge fight scene Jay still goes back to find her to play but not until getting affection from me first.
He's a lot better at playing independently than Ellie ever has been. That has been a huge blessing. I'm hoping it continues when she goes back to school. I usually find him playing with his cars or looking at books.
The best example is I can set out toys for Jayden to play with and he happily starts to play. Meanwhile Ellie will be upset I'm not playing with her or I'm not playing the right way. However Jayden is just fine, but then Ellie comes along and everything starts to erupt.
If I can get us all ready and can spare a few minutes I will do it on purpose. Letting him play outside before putting him directly from house to carseat helps a ton. It doesn't even have to be long. When I take him places it's a whole lot easier than it ever was with Ellie at this toddler stage. For the most part he gets excited to do whatever is next for us to go do. If someone is outside he wants to go too. When Daddy does yardwork I send both kids out so I clean or cook without kids bothering me. Usually ends with them taking a fun walk. And this introvert mom gets a couple deep breaths before they return, or I run errands.
I get my kids pajamas that fit whatever they're "into" that year because it helps bedtime routine if they are excited to put on the pajamas. It's really helped Jayden who gets excited with any vehicle on his clothing.
When he's in the right mood if you ask him to get what's needed for a diaper change he gets excited to help out and can't stop until he has all the possible items...including diaper cream. 😄
He still sleeps with his Lovie and pacifier. He now is open to blankets, and loves having at least one on him anytime he goes down in his crib to sleep. This summer we added a fan to his room and now he makes sure it's on before he lays his head down. The blanket started when we weaned him at night. Jon was home alone with him and offered it, and he accepted. He's practically weaned except one small nurse session once a week or two. It's not very long.
If he's fussing I try two things and they normally work: get him sidetracked to something else. Or offer him to look for his Lovie and pacifier. It's usually just to get his mind off the toddler stuff. Since he's better at being independent it usually helps. However those time he gets too much he's usually tired or hungry. If it's not that he gets placed on his rocking chair to calm down. He usually just takes a moment and then returns back just fine.
I've started this parenting approach with my kids and it has worked really well. Your bedroom is "your space." If you need time to cool down or you're just having all your emotions get in the way of life you can go to your room to be alone. I use it for when Ellie is working hard on something and Jay keeps ruining it. She is welcome to take it to her room to be alone. If Jay is acting up he goes to his room until he's calm. If I need some space I even go to my room to relax and the kids are asked to leave Mom be unless they can rest too and not bother me. I feel like also following through they see it as something that is a part of life. It's normal. It's okay to need downtime that you can take some time to rest. (I usually wait until Jay's naptime to rest. So it's just Ellie who has to find something to do.) It has helped the kids learn boundaries with me and each other.
Jayden's phrases/words:
"No! I dont want that!"
"Sttoooohp" (stop)
"Boo" (food)
"Cakers" (crackers, usually the ones with peanut butter)
"Mommmaaa..." (Snuggling)
"I want tat...!"
"Peas" (please)
"Tank you" (thank you, he says it without prompting)
"Owie" (sensitive, Band-Aids worse than owie)
"cahhhr" (car, or any vehicle or something with wheels)
He has this sweet happy grin and excited response when he's trying to tell you something and you guess correctly, or if you ask him if he wants to do something and he agrees. I hope he continues to do it for many years. 😍😍
He's been our pickier eater but has come a long way this year. I've learned different ways to help him too. Some meals I feel like I could just plate one plate for both my kids and be fine. Ellie will gobble down the main dish, Jay eat a few bites of it. Jayden will scarf down the veggies, and Ellie will refuse to eat them unless it's raw carrots. Jayden doesn't like raw carrots but will scarf down cooked ones. He's more open to fruit now.
Our family can go through: half a watermelon, a full cantaloupe, two cans of manderian oranges, 3lb bag of clementines, half dozen of apples, two batches of bananas, package of strawberries in one week. And that's mostly due to the kids.
He will scarf down asparagus like I eat french fries. In one day he can finish off a package of steamed veggies. The only macaroni and cheese he likes is Annie's dark blue box brand. He doesn't care much for hot dogs but get the ones with cheese inside and he will eat three, meanwhile Ellie hates the ones with cheese.
He loves pb&j sandwiches but doesn't care for lunch meat sandwiches. However he will eat some of your sandwich from Firehouse Subs.
He refuses cheese sticks but likes beef sticks. He says no to cheese by itself every time. He doesn't like eggs for breakfast so I buy quite a bit of granola bars.
The other night we had walking tacos and after awhile his wasn't good enough. He had to share Daddy's. He just kept opening his mouth hoping next bite was his.
He still loves bath time, until you have to wash his hair or get him out of the tub. He likes sit down and read books either on his own or before bed. He's starting to want to sit at the kid table that Ellie normally sits at. He loves to kick a ball around outside. He doesn't like to sit on the toilet and gets pretty freaked out by it. He knows where everyone's shoes belong and I usually have him pick them up for me.
He likes to pretend he can put Ellie's puzzles together. Obviously ones that are too advanced and it's so cute when he thinks it matches.
I'm putting him into Kindermusik this fall and excited to see how he does. It was a nightmare with Ellie. (We felt like for her it was more about running around and dancing when she heard music. Meanwhile Jay appreciates what sounds music makes. He's also better at sitting.)
He's definitely "BOY" and loves making sounds when he does anything. He doesn't talk much and just screams or calls out complaints when he wants something different. Teaching words is a whole new thing with him compared to Ellie. With Ellie, she was talking full sentences by now. We had conversations with her at this point. Right now we can communicate with Jayden. But a lot of times we have to say "show me" and he happily runs off, wanting us to follow, so we can see what he's saying.
Did I mention he loves vehicles? Everything is a road to drive on. Me. The wall. Himself. The couch. The furniture.
Other stats I didn't do yet: size 5 diapers, 5 nighttime diaper is a must, size 2T clothes, 18mos shorts fit the best, brands from Kohl's or Carter's fit the best, Gap or StrideRite socks, size 6 shoes, he also got a new carseat this year.
We love him to pieces. He's our sweet boy. We're so thankful we were blessed with our Rainbow Baby. We have loved watching his personality. Can't wait to see what this year will bring! So far turning two has been a blast!
Jayden has changed so much this year and Jon and I are constantly telling each other how much we adore him. Ellie started to become really hard at this stage of her life, while life has become easier for him. He still has typical toddler stuff but he's so fun!
A few words to sum him up are: vehicles, pretend play, cute, loving, sensitive
The siblings either love each other or are screaming and crying at each other. Rarely is there anything in between.
Even after a huge fight scene Jay still goes back to find her to play but not until getting affection from me first.
He's a lot better at playing independently than Ellie ever has been. That has been a huge blessing. I'm hoping it continues when she goes back to school. I usually find him playing with his cars or looking at books.
The best example is I can set out toys for Jayden to play with and he happily starts to play. Meanwhile Ellie will be upset I'm not playing with her or I'm not playing the right way. However Jayden is just fine, but then Ellie comes along and everything starts to erupt.
If I can get us all ready and can spare a few minutes I will do it on purpose. Letting him play outside before putting him directly from house to carseat helps a ton. It doesn't even have to be long. When I take him places it's a whole lot easier than it ever was with Ellie at this toddler stage. For the most part he gets excited to do whatever is next for us to go do. If someone is outside he wants to go too. When Daddy does yardwork I send both kids out so I clean or cook without kids bothering me. Usually ends with them taking a fun walk. And this introvert mom gets a couple deep breaths before they return, or I run errands.
I get my kids pajamas that fit whatever they're "into" that year because it helps bedtime routine if they are excited to put on the pajamas. It's really helped Jayden who gets excited with any vehicle on his clothing.
When he's in the right mood if you ask him to get what's needed for a diaper change he gets excited to help out and can't stop until he has all the possible items...including diaper cream. 😄
He still sleeps with his Lovie and pacifier. He now is open to blankets, and loves having at least one on him anytime he goes down in his crib to sleep. This summer we added a fan to his room and now he makes sure it's on before he lays his head down. The blanket started when we weaned him at night. Jon was home alone with him and offered it, and he accepted. He's practically weaned except one small nurse session once a week or two. It's not very long.
If he's fussing I try two things and they normally work: get him sidetracked to something else. Or offer him to look for his Lovie and pacifier. It's usually just to get his mind off the toddler stuff. Since he's better at being independent it usually helps. However those time he gets too much he's usually tired or hungry. If it's not that he gets placed on his rocking chair to calm down. He usually just takes a moment and then returns back just fine.
I've started this parenting approach with my kids and it has worked really well. Your bedroom is "your space." If you need time to cool down or you're just having all your emotions get in the way of life you can go to your room to be alone. I use it for when Ellie is working hard on something and Jay keeps ruining it. She is welcome to take it to her room to be alone. If Jay is acting up he goes to his room until he's calm. If I need some space I even go to my room to relax and the kids are asked to leave Mom be unless they can rest too and not bother me. I feel like also following through they see it as something that is a part of life. It's normal. It's okay to need downtime that you can take some time to rest. (I usually wait until Jay's naptime to rest. So it's just Ellie who has to find something to do.) It has helped the kids learn boundaries with me and each other.
Jayden's phrases/words:
"No! I dont want that!"
"Sttoooohp" (stop)
"Boo" (food)
"Cakers" (crackers, usually the ones with peanut butter)
"Mommmaaa..." (Snuggling)
"I want tat...!"
"Peas" (please)
"Tank you" (thank you, he says it without prompting)
"Owie" (sensitive, Band-Aids worse than owie)
"cahhhr" (car, or any vehicle or something with wheels)
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Car Band-Aids didn't help |
He has this sweet happy grin and excited response when he's trying to tell you something and you guess correctly, or if you ask him if he wants to do something and he agrees. I hope he continues to do it for many years. 😍😍
He's been our pickier eater but has come a long way this year. I've learned different ways to help him too. Some meals I feel like I could just plate one plate for both my kids and be fine. Ellie will gobble down the main dish, Jay eat a few bites of it. Jayden will scarf down the veggies, and Ellie will refuse to eat them unless it's raw carrots. Jayden doesn't like raw carrots but will scarf down cooked ones. He's more open to fruit now.
Our family can go through: half a watermelon, a full cantaloupe, two cans of manderian oranges, 3lb bag of clementines, half dozen of apples, two batches of bananas, package of strawberries in one week. And that's mostly due to the kids.
He will scarf down asparagus like I eat french fries. In one day he can finish off a package of steamed veggies. The only macaroni and cheese he likes is Annie's dark blue box brand. He doesn't care much for hot dogs but get the ones with cheese inside and he will eat three, meanwhile Ellie hates the ones with cheese.
He loves pb&j sandwiches but doesn't care for lunch meat sandwiches. However he will eat some of your sandwich from Firehouse Subs.
He refuses cheese sticks but likes beef sticks. He says no to cheese by itself every time. He doesn't like eggs for breakfast so I buy quite a bit of granola bars.
The other night we had walking tacos and after awhile his wasn't good enough. He had to share Daddy's. He just kept opening his mouth hoping next bite was his.
He still loves bath time, until you have to wash his hair or get him out of the tub. He likes sit down and read books either on his own or before bed. He's starting to want to sit at the kid table that Ellie normally sits at. He loves to kick a ball around outside. He doesn't like to sit on the toilet and gets pretty freaked out by it. He knows where everyone's shoes belong and I usually have him pick them up for me.
He likes to pretend he can put Ellie's puzzles together. Obviously ones that are too advanced and it's so cute when he thinks it matches.
I'm putting him into Kindermusik this fall and excited to see how he does. It was a nightmare with Ellie. (We felt like for her it was more about running around and dancing when she heard music. Meanwhile Jay appreciates what sounds music makes. He's also better at sitting.)
He's definitely "BOY" and loves making sounds when he does anything. He doesn't talk much and just screams or calls out complaints when he wants something different. Teaching words is a whole new thing with him compared to Ellie. With Ellie, she was talking full sentences by now. We had conversations with her at this point. Right now we can communicate with Jayden. But a lot of times we have to say "show me" and he happily runs off, wanting us to follow, so we can see what he's saying.
Did I mention he loves vehicles? Everything is a road to drive on. Me. The wall. Himself. The couch. The furniture.
Other stats I didn't do yet: size 5 diapers, 5 nighttime diaper is a must, size 2T clothes, 18mos shorts fit the best, brands from Kohl's or Carter's fit the best, Gap or StrideRite socks, size 6 shoes, he also got a new carseat this year.
We love him to pieces. He's our sweet boy. We're so thankful we were blessed with our Rainbow Baby. We have loved watching his personality. Can't wait to see what this year will bring! So far turning two has been a blast!
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Doesn't everyone want to wake up to this face? 😍 |
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