Never TWO late for Jay

Today I realized I never did a post for Jayden's two year old birthday. I'm just four months behind. 😂😂 Jayden has changed so much this year and Jon and I are constantly telling each other how much we adore him. Ellie started to become really hard at this stage of her life, while life has become easier for him. He still has typical toddler stuff but he's so fun! A few words to sum him up are: vehicles, pretend play, cute, loving, sensitive The siblings either love each other or are screaming and crying at each other. Rarely is there anything in between. Even after a huge fight scene Jay still goes back to find her to play but not until getting affection from me first. He's a lot better at playing independently than Ellie ever has been. That has been a huge blessing. I'm hoping it continues when she goes back to school. I usually find him playing with his cars or looking at books. The best example is I can set out toys for Jayden to play ...