Rainbow Baby Birthday

We celebrated Jayden's Birthday today!! 🎉

When he was born I pictured his first birthday theme being rainbow.  A rainbow baby is the baby you have after a miscarriage or infant loss. 🌈

The day started off with 9am church (which we were late to but whatever), then brunch at Village Inn, and back home so he could take a good nap. My parents had taken care of Ellie since Friday evening as a way to help me with the party. It was a lot easier to decorate and set up the house the night before!

The party was from 2-4pm, and ordered pizza for supper afterwards. I like to keep it simple.  Jayden took a good nap before people got there (at least for him) and when everyone arrived we got right to the cake. (He's always hungry for food after his naps.)

He wasn't too sure about his cake. So we cut him up a small piece and let him try that. When that didn't get him to eat much, I gave him something I knew would fill his tummy with happiness.

Sweet potatoes.

He finished off about two helpings. (What's in the picture is "one helping.") Then Daddy got him a bath so he could be ready to open his presents. 

My sweet wittle guy 💙💙

We scrambled around for family pics and cousin clan.

And at first all we could get of my family was me and birthday boy. 

My loves 💗

Jayden: What's it like being the baby of the family? (To parents who are both the youngest in theirs)
Mom & Dad: Have you not figured it out yet??

Then many minutes of trying to get kids to sit on the couch. 10 in all

Ok. "Whoever sits the nicest gets to hold Jayden!" It all clicked. They did great! Briston caught my attention first. 

"Be silly!"

Time to open presents!!

To keep older kids busy I put them on a crazy scavenger game to find toys that were colors of rainbow. And gave them glow in the dark kit ($3 from Target). Whoever won the game got first pick. Jon got them situated in the basement in the dark and possibly Dodge ball with some of our toy balls. The family got snuggle time with Birthday Boy and I hid my face (and voice).

Ordered pizza from Pizza Pit. And kids scarfed down the rest of the snacks. Rainbow fruit tray and colored goldfish.

After pizza we just did what people do and I put Jayden to bed. He was wiped.  

We want to thank our family for coming! Its been a whirlwind of a year. I'm so thankful for my baby. 

*I pay someone else to bake pretty things for me so I don't have to. Cake from Ali Cakes here in Ames.

JAYDEN updates:

-can say "Ma-Ma"
-Refuses sippy cup and bottles
(Hoping he breaks that no bottle thing in two weeks when I'll be away from him for 2 nights.)

Favorite food: sweet potatoes, grilled chicken, Puffs, breads (like pancakes or toast)

He loves that we got him a "new" carseat. He enjoys being able to look out the window.  He loves his Momma so much. Toys are becoming more fun.  I can set him up with toys in living room and I find him coming to me in our bathroom doing his army crawl. He laughs at Ellie and gives you the flirty face.  We're also feeling top teeth coming soon. No break through but gums look mad at us. Jayden sometimes sucks his thumb which he use to never do. I'm guessing it's due to those gums.

His "schedule"
(That was a joke. Babies don't have schedules.)
7am wake up/nurse
8am breakfast
9am nurse
Play time & snack
10:30/11 Nap
12:00 Lunch
Nurses in place of a drink
Play time
3ish Nurse & Nap
4ish Supper 
5:00 snacks on our supper if he wants some
6/6:30 bedtime


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