A day in stay at home life

Dear Mom's,
Can I just say what I accomplished today? Will you feel judged or hurt that it was just a normal day at home for your family, while I accomplished more than just fed and kept my kids alive? May I share without any side of things coming off wrong?

Okay, here goes:
-I found my daughter sneaked bread.
-She wet her pull up twice today after fighting and yelling at me that she didn't want to "try" to go.
-I cleaned up her poop...In her pull up.
-I cleaned up the baby's poop.
-I fed the baby every hour that he was awake.
-I ate breakfast.
-I ate some pizza for lunch.
-I drank some Coke while I cleaned out/organized some kitchen cabinets. And helped my daughter spell words from her magnetic letters.
-i kept baby from eating every single cord he could reach.
-i did three loads of laundry, hung up wet items, folded & put away dry items
-I completely emptied out the baby dresser and reorganized his clothes... Including 3 baskets of future items. (He's ready for next size up.)
-I cleared off the dining room table. (You know...The typical dump all space.)
-Cleaned off the high countertop (the dump place for please kids don't mess with this stuff)
-I let a movie play on repeat.
-I let my kid eat Spaghetti Os for lunch
-Organized a mountain of papers
-Cleaned up diaper bag & my go to purse
-I took a shower with my daughter
-I called my Mommy.
-I asked my husband for help with baby so I could shower.
-I prayed for a mommy today.
-I put daughter in her room often for taking toys from the baby.
-I heard lots of yelling.
-Im pretty sure daughter wasn't the only one yelling.
-I prayed for Jesus' grace for my household.
-I put baby to nap 3x
-Put baby to bed.

Some days I feel like if I don't share what I did in a day to at least one person "out there." It won't be noticed. It won't feel worthwhile. Because I heard the saying, "No one notices if housework was done until I stopped doing it."

As a stay at home mom I encourage husband's to listen to their wives when they return home.   Or at least spend a day in their shoes. Because mom's are special and unique. But a mom who stays home is like a bear ready for hibernation to end. They can't wait to unload everything until the moment they can get out.  Don't get me wrong, I love being a stay at home mom. But the stages in life where you're in constant struggle with a kid who fights you just to pee in a toilet, or the baby who cries because you can't hold him all day long, or the countless times you can't even hear yourself think! Those are the days you feel like you can't get out of...That they will never end!

"They grow up so fast! Enjoy it while they're little." That's because those people just remember the fun baby snuggles, the smell after a good bath, or the little giggles.  Day in and day out, we mom's bare much more than just snuggles and giggles. And that's something we're looking forward to saying adios to..... We're baring the weight of caring for someone who can't even care for themselves. Let alone dress themselves.

So, mom's feel free to comment on what you accomplished today. No judgement. Because there are days (too many to count) that all I got done was: kids fed, kids alive, and the house isn't on fire. 😉

So press on stay at home moms. Your job is normally unnoticed, but never from this Mom.


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