Meeting My Rainbow

Dear baby brother,

I wanted you before I even knew you were growing inside me.  I felt like something, someone, was missing in our family.  We lost two babies and missed them dearly, but this is part of our family's story.  Mommy was so excited to finally tell Daddy she was ready.  You see, Mommy told Daddy to give her body a year.  Pregnancy is a lot on your body (especially this Momma), and she wanted to be as prepared as possible after losing two babies.

That following month Mommy and Daddy found out they were pregnant with YOU!  They were so excited!  Big Sister Ellie got to wear a shirt to share the news fourth of July weekend!

Everyone was surprised since they last heard Mommy wasn't ready yet 😉

With big sister Mommy started to feel quesy at six weeks and really nauseous at seven, while you made Mommy sick at five weeks and so sick and dehydrated at six weeks she went to ER for fluids.  But you are all too sweet and Mom couldn't wait to meet you!  Mommy felt better sooner than she did with Big Sister's pregnancy so she stayed positive!

Mommy felt more tired this time around because she had a three-year old to care for also.  She wasn't able to rest when needed .  Mommy gets sick easily when pregnant and couldn't be very active so Daddy helped keep big sister busy and let her run off energy.

Mommy was induced with big sister so we didn't really know how you would come or what her body would do to let us know you were ready.

Friday, March 11th Mommy woke up with that feeling.  Just a gut feeling it was time to be extra ready.  Her due date appointment earlier that week, Doctor Lines said she probably wouldn't see Momma still pregnant at one week overdue.  And she was right!!  All day Friday Mommy was having contractions and trying to do laundry , pick up the house, and just keep herself busy cus she knew it was early stage of labor.  It was tiring though.  She even called Daddy saying, "I've got contractions that I have to breathe through.  Not consistent enough yet.  So this is probably your last day at work before he comes.". It was exciting and scary too.

That evening Mommy was anxious to do something to get things moving.  So the family went out to eat at Hickory Park one last time as a family of three.  Mommy had to stop eating during contractions and close her eyes.  Then went to Target to grab a few things we needed before needing to be at hospital and arriving home.  Target was intense and hard on Momma.  Lots of kneeling over or squatting to deal with some intense contractions.  Daddy wanted to get some groceries at Walmart, so mommy stayed in the car with big sister this time. 😃

Once home Daddy took care of big sister and groceries so Mommy could do some packing for the hospital and rest.  All night long Mommy was having contractions about 15 minutes apart waking her up each time and causing her a hard time to fall back asleep.  The next morning Daddy took care of big sister and Mommy felt nauseous from being up all night.  Mommy tried different foods and tried to drink what sounded okay to stay hydrated.  The contractions slowed way down and Mommy felt exhausted and discouraged.  Around 5pm Mommy threw up.  It took the nausea away, but now it was time to eat again!

That night Mommy went to bed with more contractions again but this time closer together.  Every 8-11 minutes and they lasted a minute.  Early in the morning, March 13th, Daddy got up, packed & loaded the car.  He jumped in the shower and Mommy's contractions slowed back down to 15-20 minutes so Mommy said false alarm.  Mommy's family came to hang out to help through the contractions and entertain Big Sister.  Mommy got a good, healthy lunch from the Cafe.

As the day progressed the contractions got closer together but Mom was still hesitant thinking if it was going to repeat itself and slow down again.  The magic number was contractions 5 minutes apart.  They were still 8-10 minutes apart and would not get any closer together.  However they were getting more intense.

Midafternoon Aunt Melissa and Lisa left to get some groceries to help when we would come home.  The contractions become more intense and someone HAS TO push on Momma's lower back during them.  Your cousins Sam and Jack are in the room encouraging Momma and amazed with what us women go through 😉. They even let Mommy know when a contraction is about to come, and Mom is hoping it comes true because that means it's progressing.

Shortly after four we feel like things are changing and Mommy can't stay very silent during the contractions.  And she finally had one 6 minutes apart... and shortly after another one about 5 minutes.  Mommy goes to the bathroom one last time and can hardly move because the contraction becomes so painful.  Tile floor is unbearably uncomfortable....

4:24 we leave for hospital.  Grandpa and Lisa stay back with the kids and Mommy's labor supporters come along.  The doctor told us to get dropped off at ER due to road construction and remodeling.  The hospital is two minutes from our house and they quickly wheel Mommy in a wheelchair to the room.  Mommy remembers getting dizzy as she was being pushed by all the busy decorative carpet.

Mommy was bummed to find out the room was pretty small compared to others she had toured.  But she didn't have much time to ponder.  Mommy even had to have HER Mommy help with undressing to prep for getting into hospital gear.

4:40 nurse checks and says 6cm dilated

Well, that's a good sign!  No going back now!  This baby has to come out!  No time for thinking of drugs to help with pain.  But Mommy sure had a lot to scream about!

4:44 Mommy was screaming.  Screaming. "I want to push!!!". That seemed crazy since she was only 6cm a few minutes ago.

4:46 nurse checks 8-9 centimeters
No time to chuckle how fast that part went!  Mommy starts complaining....she has to get her IV in.  She can hardly stay still.  How they got the IV in, Mom still doesn't know!

4:47 Mommy's body starts to do the pushing without Mommy's control.  It was a crazy experience and Mommy still can't explain it.  It was intense pain she's never felt before.  So different from Big Sister's labor.

4:49 the doctor arrives, Mr Swanson
Not our doctor.  We've never met him.  Mommy suddenly has a Mommy moment of freak out and it was as if time stood still.  Daddy was signing forms during all this. (We had only arrived in our room about 15 minutes ago.) No time for meet and greets, someone had to catch YOU!

[Little did we all know Dr Swanson was incredible and let Mommy do all the work and was exactly what she needed.  There was a calm about him.]

5:04 Aunt Mel sees your head! And all Mom can remember is her body stopped doing the intense crazy pushing.  And it's like her body froze.  Now she had to do the pushing herself! NO sleep at all.  Two days of intense contractions came down to this moment.

Aunt Mel mentions she sees half the head and Mommy is doing great.  Doc whispers to her it's not half....even Mommy hears this conversation but knew what Aunt Mel meant!  (Remember Mom has seen TONS of deliveries to know what she meant!)

5:11 it's a boy!! It's our son! Mommy gets you right away!   You have your cord wrapped around your ankle but otherwise you're doing great!

You start nursing immediately.  It's a surreal feeling to have a son.  You poop all over Mommy and her hospital cords.  You cry unless you're latched on to Mommy to nurse. (That's still accurate most of the time!)

Mommy tells everyone you are stubborn like your Daddy and Daddy replies, "like his sister!" 😂😂

Mommy was so thankful she remembered how to breastfeed and it felt natural all over again.  It also helped to get her mind off what Doctor had to do 😛😬

It was all Mommy could do not to share your name but really wanted Big Sister to share the news.

6:15 After getting cleaned up, some food,  and new bedding it was time for Big Sister to come see you.  Big Sister was so excited and kept calling you a she, but she learned quickly you were a boy!

Everyone that came to hospital were anxiously waiting to meet you and find out your name.  Big Sister kept calling you Salmon. Toad.

Aunt Melissa brought her family in to get home with school the next day.  The boys were so excited to meet you.  Grandma and Grandpa and Uncle Ryan came and then took Big Sister home to sleep.  Lisa also came in with some encouragement (sorry this time is a little blurry now). Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle David and Caden, Briston, Aviah & Greyson were so thrilled to meet you. Grandma Melinda also came from Newton and was so excited you were finally born!

Jayden Carl Kaisand
7lb 15oz
Jayden means "God heard"
Carl was your Grandpa Kaisand's middle name

Aunt Mel had texted Aunt Liz in Kansas City about your slow and steady labor and quick delivery!  The joke was if we waited any longer it would of been a home birth!  She couldn't be more right!! 😃

After everyone left and Mommy got to nurse you some more....and nurses were done for a few minutes of messing with us...Daddy held you.  Mommy didn't know he waited for everyone else to get to hold you before he did.  But the moment he finally did, Momma's heart melted.  It was such a surreal weekend.  Such a blur of a day.  So intense and just memorable.

Our family felt complete.


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