
Showing posts from June, 2016

You know you're a Mom of two kids.....

...if baby gets spit up on your bed at 4am and you cover it with a towel....and sheets gets washed DAYS later. ....when your toddler finds post it notes and covers your body with them while you nurse the baby.  And you don't care. ...if you look at people with one baby and cry of exhaustion realizing how much more rest you got "before" ...if you give up on losing the baby bump because no one's got time for exercising when you got a toddler who refuses to potty train, runs away from you in public places, and a baby who always wants held. ...when your budget changes from meal planning to "survive mode" ...if you go to the store and purchase every type of pacifier to find THEE one that will bless you 10 more minutes of sleep. ...when you let your three-year old have five snacks instead of lunch.  Cus this Momma don't care. 😘😘 ....when nap time became a good idea that one time.  Because they're never at the same time.  And if ...

Meeting My Rainbow

Dear baby brother, I wanted you before I even knew you were growing inside me.  I felt like something, someone, was missing in our family.  We lost two babies and missed them dearly, but this is part of our family's story.  Mommy was so excited to finally tell Daddy she was ready.  You see, Mommy told Daddy to give her body a year.  Pregnancy is a lot on your body (especially this Momma), and she wanted to be as prepared as possible after losing two babies. That following month Mommy and Daddy found out they were pregnant with YOU!  They were so excited!  Big Sister Ellie got to wear a shirt to share the news fourth of July weekend! Everyone was surprised since they last heard Mommy wasn't ready yet 😉 With big sister Mommy started to feel quesy at six weeks and really nauseous at seven, while you made Mommy sick at five weeks and so sick and dehydrated at six weeks she went to ER for fluids.  But you are all too sweet and Mom couldn't wai...