
Showing posts from 2016

Expert Holiday Shoppers, Kids Edition

Today I shared a post about "10 Things Expert Holiday shoppers know to b e true" Link to article here. Here's my version of what it would be like for me, a mom with two young kids, to shop using this advice. #1 "Acquaintance gifts" done first Which means most people in your life when you have young kids. So do you pick something up for that Target clerk you saw twice in one day (two different stops)? Or that waitress who cleaned up your spilled drinks thanks to your baby's new tricks? How about the dance teacher who deals with all those preschoolers? Including your own who thinks she's either a lion or bunny. #2 Sleep is for the weak. This should be the title of a parenting book. Already accomplishing the lack of sleep. Any less I shouldn't be driving. #3 Fuel up before you go. You mean gas? Cus I hate running out of gas....oh referring to food? You mean the granola bar you scarf down meanwhile baby is screaming and your four year old cr...

Jayden [7 months]

I'm a little behind (4 days to be exact) on Jayden's 7 month post. Not on purpose but the past few days flew by! Jayden loves to see us, be near us, and snuggle. He loves baths. Today he kicked his legs so much he splashed the water I felt as wet as he was!  His cheesy grin is contagious.  He loves sitting in his bouncy seat watching Momma in the kitchen. He adores "tags" and his Taggie blanket is his favorite "toy".  He has just recently noticed he can grab my hair or my necklace.  He loves the feel of fabric so falling asleep he gets a lovey and his pacifier.  Out of the house the rainbow blanket and Taggie blanket are usually surrounding him.  A couple weeks ago we gave him the pacifier back in his crib because the sucking help soothed him and he can find it when it pops out.  We were struggling with him staying asleep at night, and Jon has helped find something that works! After I nurse and put him down, if he wakes up again Jon go...

Freedom in Parenting

Dear Momma's, it's been a hectic week.  I know it has... especially in our house. Not napping well, whining, and frozen meals cus I don't have time to cook today.  I've felt uncomfortable with my days and discouraged about my baby who thinks sleep is ridiculous.  Trying to decide what can make me not feel this way as a Mom?  I pictured staying at home with my kids differently. I knew it was going to be tiring, hard work, and short showers (wait, have i taken one?). But today I took a deep breath. Put clean clothes on, did something with my hair (Momma, where we going?), and put some make up on to trick people into thinking I'm not a zombie for Halloween.  Then I got Ellie ready and the baby. Loaded us all up and headed out (1.5hrs after that original thought of getting OUT). It was the time I usually put the baby down for a nap.  It was usually the time I do some laundry or give Ellie a decent lunch.  By the time we arrived at the first destination,...

Birthday Questions with Ellie #4

For Ellie's 4th birthday I thought I would ask her some questions.  Some answers were very random, so I'll add my input. 😉 How old are you? 4 Favorite color? Pink, black, just purple, just red (aka I love pink then those other options too) Favorite toy: pink bear (something i let her get at dollar store while getting bday party stuff) Favorite fruit: apple (banana for breakfast everyday, she also likes peaches and strawberries. Honestly most fruit) Favorite food: apple and cheese quesadillas (you can tell we just picked up some yummy apples yesterday) Favorite TV show: Clifford & Daniel Tiger Favorite outfit: gray dress (Aunt Liz Flug gift for her 3rd bday) Favorite game: Animal Game (Sequence) Favorite snacks: fruit snacks Favorite animal: lion and elephant (very surprised she didn't say dog) Favorite book: Color book (those books they can color that the marker only writes on those pages $5!) Favorite breakfast: spaghetti (whhhatt? Her usual is ban...

Don't Blink

Facebook shares a ton of articles from the media, bloggers, and all sorts of things.  Over and over again I get reminded to not blink and wish these days away while my children are young.  I'm not going to say I disagree with that but it might come off way.  Because as a parent (at least this one) is exhausted and stretched to my limit. I have two kids in diapers.  Which doesn't seem all that horrible since I'm not talking twins.  I know some parents are doing a tons more.  All I'm saying is....i have two in diapers.  Oldest almost 4 and will NOT go to the bathroom in the toilet.  My strong-willed, firstborn will not.  It's the one thing she is controlling.  (I could stand my ground and train her but right this minute I'm not because...) Because I have a baby who turns 4 months old on Wednesday and he has the idea he needs TLC all day long and into the night.  He needs to see me, be held, and fed constantly.  Ellie was ...

You know you're a Mom of two kids.....

...if baby gets spit up on your bed at 4am and you cover it with a towel....and sheets gets washed DAYS later. ....when your toddler finds post it notes and covers your body with them while you nurse the baby.  And you don't care. ...if you look at people with one baby and cry of exhaustion realizing how much more rest you got "before" ...if you give up on losing the baby bump because no one's got time for exercising when you got a toddler who refuses to potty train, runs away from you in public places, and a baby who always wants held. ...when your budget changes from meal planning to "survive mode" ...if you go to the store and purchase every type of pacifier to find THEE one that will bless you 10 more minutes of sleep. ...when you let your three-year old have five snacks instead of lunch.  Cus this Momma don't care. 😘😘 ....when nap time became a good idea that one time.  Because they're never at the same time.  And if ...

Meeting My Rainbow

Dear baby brother, I wanted you before I even knew you were growing inside me.  I felt like something, someone, was missing in our family.  We lost two babies and missed them dearly, but this is part of our family's story.  Mommy was so excited to finally tell Daddy she was ready.  You see, Mommy told Daddy to give her body a year.  Pregnancy is a lot on your body (especially this Momma), and she wanted to be as prepared as possible after losing two babies. That following month Mommy and Daddy found out they were pregnant with YOU!  They were so excited!  Big Sister Ellie got to wear a shirt to share the news fourth of July weekend! Everyone was surprised since they last heard Mommy wasn't ready yet 😉 With big sister Mommy started to feel quesy at six weeks and really nauseous at seven, while you made Mommy sick at five weeks and so sick and dehydrated at six weeks she went to ER for fluids.  But you are all too sweet and Mom couldn't wai...

Snuggles Forever

I know it's been since November since I shared what's going on in life.  Lately it's been-- just share on Facebook a paragraph with some pics and that's good enough for now. Going from one to two kids had been the hardest transition in my life this far.  Ellie was already stretching our limits before our son was born.  Now they're just exaggerated because she tries to be the baby.  The kids are 3.5 years apart...maybe some day that will be a good age gap but for now it's been hard.  Maybe just because of Ellie's personality and Jayden's need to be held to sleep most of the time. Some day I will post his labor story, but until then just know I don't know how long I was officially in labor.  My contractions started Friday morning (11th) and he was born Sunday evening (3.13).  So I started this journey with two kids exhausted.  I haven't been sleeping through the night since before I got pregnant with Jayden. Life with two is so differe...