Expert Holiday Shoppers, Kids Edition

Today I shared a post about "10 Things Expert Holiday shoppers know to b e true" Link to article here. Here's my version of what it would be like for me, a mom with two young kids, to shop using this advice. #1 "Acquaintance gifts" done first Which means most people in your life when you have young kids. So do you pick something up for that Target clerk you saw twice in one day (two different stops)? Or that waitress who cleaned up your spilled drinks thanks to your baby's new tricks? How about the dance teacher who deals with all those preschoolers? Including your own who thinks she's either a lion or bunny. #2 Sleep is for the weak. This should be the title of a parenting book. Already accomplishing the lack of sleep. Any less I shouldn't be driving. #3 Fuel up before you go. You mean gas? Cus I hate running out of gas....oh referring to food? You mean the granola bar you scarf down meanwhile baby is screaming and your four year old cr...