Kaisand updates

Ellie has something she wants to tell you....

She's pretty excited and knows Mommy is sick because a baby is growing in my tummy.  The same day Ellie's hair clip made it's way out we got a positive test!  It was quite the day!!

And my morning sickness started earlier and stronger than any other pregnancy I've had.  That has definitely been the hardest on me.  I just wish I could enjoy being pregnant.  I wake up in the night feeling like I have the stomach flu and the next day it starts all over again.

Last week we had our 8 week appointment and our little baby measured just fine and had a good heartbeat of 167 bpm!

Right now I take it a day at a time -- moment by moment-- and just pray this baby stays healthy and is doing just fine.  The sickness hasn't given me any breaks so so far I don't think there's going to be a problem.  I'm almost to the mark of when we found out Alex didn't have a heartbeat (and I'm more sick with this one so I feel better about that part).  However it is very tiring and hard on my body.  There have been moments where I tell my care taker "I'm giving up." I'm encouraged to keep going, that I can do this.  It's just so hard day to day throwing up and feeling nauseous in between.  It gets really old, makes days feel like weeks.  If this pregnancy is similar to Ellie's (which so far it's worse sickness wise) then I will start feeling better by Thanksgiving.  So that is what I'm looking towards.

For the past few weeks my little family has crashed at my parents house.  It has helped a ton having my mom care for Ellie and give me my snacks, etc in between.  My mom had sickness when she was pregnant so she can emphasize which is so helpful when you feel so drained.

And if you were wondering why I havnt been around much....that's because I'm in the couch resting or puking.  I'm not a good host right now.  I'm just surviving.

My prayer to Jesus last night I told him to have mercy on me and take care of my baby.  I told him I understand the curse of childbearing.  The sickness is hard.  I told Him to help me through this hard time and give me peace about things.

So yippee! soon I will have a baby to hold but until then I'm taking it one day at a time.  Like I tell Ellie, "growing a baby takes a lot of work!"

Due March 7th!


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