Kaisand updates

Ellie has something she wants to tell you.... She's pretty excited and knows Mommy is sick because a baby is growing in my tummy. The same day Ellie's hair clip made it's way out we got a positive test! It was quite the day!! And my morning sickness started earlier and stronger than any other pregnancy I've had. That has definitely been the hardest on me. I just wish I could enjoy being pregnant. I wake up in the night feeling like I have the stomach flu and the next day it starts all over again. Last week we had our 8 week appointment and our little baby measured just fine and had a good heartbeat of 167 bpm! Right now I take it a day at a time -- moment by moment-- and just pray this baby stays healthy and is doing just fine. The sickness hasn't given me any breaks so so far I don't think there's going to be a problem. I'm almost to the mark of when we found out Alex didn't have a heartbeat (and I'm more sick with ...