
Showing posts from August, 2014

This is Me, That is You

I want this post to be read in the right mind set.  So keep this thought in mind while reading, "I changed my desires based off the wrong idea." I had my hubby read this before posting.  Hope it comes out the way it was meant to be. So here goes.... 8.1.14 Growing up I dreamed about my Prince Charming and what he would be like.  I knew in the back of my mind no one is perfect, but I looked forward to sharing my life with someone else. In my head my desires made sense, because he would have desires of his own.  I prayed for a man I could be myself without holding back, someone who had similar interests as me, and desire family values.  As I grew older I feared what he would think of me in my worse state (low sleep, puking, and no make up).  I would go no where without fully "ready."  My confidence level was at a three, and that only drew more attention to my short-comings as a possible mate.  I desired a man who was like my dad--vacuum t...

Motivated Cleaning

If you remember my post about my issues with my Type A and Type B personalities it helps explain this post.  I organize my cleaning and organizing to keep me focused, motivated, and gets things done.  It helps me feel better when unplanned visits happen (knowing I did my deep cleaning on x -day). Here's my weekly schedule on a "usually this happens" kind of week. :)  If it doesn't get done I don't get beat up by it.  I just move on. Most Mondays to motivate my start of the week I sort laundry, dust the house, and pick one area to focus on "deeper cleaner."  During nap I throw in two loads of laundry and treat myself to a snack. :) Tuesdays is catch up day.  (See, guilt free motivation!)  Sometimes Monday doesn't go well.  This is a day to not get discouraged.  I usually do more laundry and organize something.  I also sweep and wash the floors where it's needed (which usually is around the area where Ellie eats and in the kitchen...