Hide 'n Seek Toddler Style

Ellie turned 17 months old a few days ago.

Hide 'n Seek is a fun game....except when you're calling for your daughter and she doesn't understand to say anything back.  And there you are...searching aimlessly throughout the house.

So here's a post of all my daughter's favorite locations in my parent's house.

This only seemed right since we're moving on Monday!  She'll have a whole new house to explore (and of course plenty of boxes)!

The Kitchen Pantry:  What toddler wouldn't want to explore this though?  She likes taking things off the shelves, grabbing water bottles, etc.  Then she crawls around the house with one of the objects.  She also knows that's where her favorite snacks are and whenever the door doesn't get shut completely....she crawls in there to check things out.  Even though her food is too high for her to reach.

Laundry Room: My mom and I have set up baskets in their laundry room to organize all the loads.  Ellie likes to help me fold laundry by handing me the items from the basket.  However she doesn't understand the baskets of clothes in the laundry room are dirty. :)

Dining Room Cabinets:  Honestly, any cabinet is awesome in her mind.  It's treasures behind closed doors.  One day she suddenly got interested in everything behind closed doors that I heard a noise on the floor.  I could tell it was breakable items.  I found my daughter playing with fragile overflow from the kitchen my mom owns from the cabinets under the window.  Put up the safety stuff and now she still goes there but can't figure out how to get into them anymore.
*Bonus: If you look closely you'll see a newborn picture of Ellie that was taken when she was two days old in the hospital.

Computer Wires in the Office: Enough said.

The Office Desk & Keyboard:  She loves hearing the noises it makes when she just holds down one button forever.  Any keyboard she can get to is the Best. Thing. Ever. in her mind.  And this mom's worst nightmare (or the reason she will go bald).

Parent's Bedroom Mirror: What baby doesn't like mirrors?  Especially a BIG one where all she has to do is crawl up to it.  She points at her reflection and says "baby!" :)  She also looks at herself and makes cute faces, sometimes dances, or puts her wet fingers all over it.  In a few days my mom will miss those finger prints.

Parent's Bathroom Whirlpool Tub:  It's perfect for Ellie to stand up and still see over the edge.  Plus she knows how to say "bath."

Buffet: Again,  it has cabinets.  Breakables inside.  Grandma's treasures are endless.

Living Room Window & Plants: (p.s. notice the awesome new paint color!)
One day I hung up the phone and found my daughter eating dirt from one of these plants.  One day I found my daughter eating one of the leaves from these plants.  One day I found my daughter joyfully looking outside the window.

Living Room Window & Screen: She reaches this window and bangs on the screen.  The sound is music to her ears.  I (honestly) prefer drums.  (Maybe I should take that back though?  Sis how does Abe do with drums?)

There was this one time I had a basket of hangers all organized neatly, going the same direction.....

....and thanks to the fun stuff in the pantry I was able to take all the pictures.

Until next update on Ellie.....packing more boxes and getting ready to move in less than two days!!! WAAAHHHAAAAAAATTTT?????


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