it's a thursday, i can cry if i want to!

meaning Ellie.

but I guess I could cry too after a day like today. however i have had worse.

{Thursdays are my errand day.  It's a nice break to the week.  And I do it all at once.  Lately it's including using coupons and shopping discounted stores for stuff for the new house, and can't help but pick up some outfits for Ellie if I happen to see a cute one three.}

first started off with showering while i let my baby girl cry in her crib.  believe me.  better to have her cry in crib then standing at shower door in tears!

then i had to exchange some toothpaste at Target.  ha!  hubby wanted a different kind.  it was on sale so it was worth it.

then it was time to browse JcPenny (Home) & Kohls.  I had noticed in Sunday paper some good sales and as long as I was out on my "errand day" might as well take a look.  Found a couple things for Ellie.

Then went to the mall for lunch time!  I had some GAP pants of Ellie's to exchange to a different size.  But they didnt have what I was looking for and they were swamped so I just headed right for the food court.

There were some nice people at Maid Rite, and I went to find a table in a happy mood.  I got to eat my food while handing some meat to Ellie.  Then I fed her some baby food.  Jon called me then, who was in Ames admiring the Home Depot crew installing our new living room windows! :)  Ellie & I went to the rest room but there was no changing table (surprisingly even in the family restroom), so I took her to Von Mour.  Still no place to change a diaper.  So quickly changed her on the couch in ladies lounge and nursed her. (Meanwhile this nice gal came over and handed me a sample for aging skin.  Apparently I'm looking old and tired.)  After quick browsing sale racks of different stores we went back to the car to head towards TJMaxx.  Ellie fell asleep in the car and surprisingly stayed asleep as I transferred her to stroller.

Found a blue and brown blanket for our new living room that matches PERFECTLY!

Got a few onesies that will fit Ellie this spring/summer, and my nieces a perfect Christmas gift both on clearance (wont go into details so family can be surprised). :)  All (including that perfect blanket) for the price of $1.57.  WHAT?  Yeah, gift cards are awesome! :)

While checking out the clerk was really nice.  She thought I had a young baby but I had Ellie covered since she had fallen asleep.  She happened to woke up shortly before I paid, so I let the gal see her.  "Oh wow she's older than I was thinking!" :)  Yeah, not too often you see a 13 month old asleep or something I guess!  But then it's what she said next....

"So are you planning to have another one any time soon?"

I have two options.
(1) Tell her the truth--actually yeah, but we miscarried twice this year.
(2) Just shrug it off since she doesn't know my life story and say "Not right now."

I went with option two.  She was too nice and it wasn't ME who was going to make a good day bad for her!  I walked back to my car with the thought, "Sometimes you just have to let those things go and not try to teach someone a lesson."

Next up was a short drive to Gordmans & Michaels!  Yeah for coupons....things were going well.  Ellie had taken a nap (short but I'll take it), I just paid with cash for multiple items, and I was going to go buy something for the new house with coupons before they expire soon!  Or so I thought....

Walking into Gordmans I start looking at their house decor with my paint samples to find something that would match.  We're still looking for big lamps and I was hoping to find work, misc.  Now that we own a house I have the options of having things that I couldn't do to decorate when I had a small apartment.  I found some wall art that has a sweet saying on it (for $10).

 Halfway through the decor aisles Ellie started to give out her upset scream/cry.  I have no idea where it came from but suddenly she was not liking anything I tried to do to help her.  She loves water bottles, tried that.  It only made her more mad!  I was now that parent who had the screaming child EVERYONE in the store knew where I was.

I got her out of her stroller and that seemed to help.  Too much shopping for this little girl!  Few aisles later, I had to put her back in the stroller but she got even more upset (more eyes glaring at us).  So I picked her up and noticed the side of her pants were wet.  Whether it was water from the bottle or pee I was going to change her...anything to possibly make my poor baby happy!  But I was on the WRONG side of the store for the bathroom and I had merchandise so I couldn't go inside.  It was too much of a hassle so I did something for the first time in my life and continually had to tell are a mom and you are going to be okay.

I found a quiet aisle and put down a changing mat and changed my wet daughter right there!  She wasn't happy but I gave her the diaper cream container to chew on.  (Oh yeah, did I mention I think she's teething again?)

After that job was accomplished it didn't really change her attitude, but she did just look around from time to time.  I had never experienced Ellie to this upset level before.  It was NOTHING like her.  Quickly I glanced at a few things and checked out.  I ended with that small artwork and a matching set of necklace and earrings.

I threw her diaper away outside on my way over to Michaels.  Praying of course.  She seemed mellow now so I was hoping for the best.  However, not long until the hard crying began.  Her tears rolling, I quickly grabbed a couple things that match perfectly with our blue (that blue is a tough color to match), and happily walked to the.....wait a second.  Line at the check out?  Bummer!  While waiting I held Ellie and she smiled at the people in line.  Oh silly Ellie.  What is going on?  So apparently, everything I got at Michaels was on clearance so I couldn't use the coupon.  Oops.  But I have a cranky baby so I'm not changing my mind or going back to look for something else!  I left with a blue vase (that will hold the flowers I already purchased a few weeks ago) and a basket for the living room that is the same blue and has a tan/gold trim which will match the walls and curtains well. :)


I had a few other places I wanted to go, but by this time (4pm) it was time to get Ellie home!  I loaded everything in the car and we drove home.  She fell asleep on the way home.  It was a long day.  I unloaded the car while she was snoozing.  Luckily I was able to transfer her car seat to the dining room without her waking up.  Dinner time for me! :)

Ok, so I normally keep my cell phone on vibrate unless I'm waiting for a call.  I never want it to wake up my baby.  I got in that habit when she was born!  I continue to do it when I'm at home, because if anyone is seriously trying to get a hold of me they know my parent's house number!

ANYWAYS, suddenly I hear my phone ringing.  and it's on LOUD.  UGH!

It was my mom.  (she felt bad but what could she have done?)

My cranky daughter was awake now.  I changed her diaper.  Tried to see if she just wanted to crawl around and feel FREEDOM for not being in a stroller anymore.  No.  She wanted held.  Her bottom was red (diaper rash? stroller rubbing?  constipation?).  We'll find out soon I bet!  Then she wanted to eat what I was eating.  Then she wanted nothing to do with the spoon.  She wanted it, but she didn't want to eat at all.  I tried giving her a drink.  Nope.

Grandma comes home!  Grandma gets ready (making a pizza) for small group and is busy so I hold Ellie and say "Ma ma ma?"  Then Ellie finally says "Ma-num a-num...Ma mama" which means I want nursed.  I nursed her and put her jammies on.  She has been in her crib ever since.

Lessons I learned from my day:

(1) Shrug off people thinking it's time for you to have more than one children.  No matter what your life story has come to be.

(2) Be prepared to change your daughter's diaper.  ANYWHERE!  And have the look on your face say, "No big deal."

(3) Sometimes coupons are not worth it enough to browse stores if it causes your baby to have a cry out session.  Just go another time.  Probably with hubby's help would be an awesome bonus.

(4) Thankful I had extra clothes to change her.

(5) Thankful no one called her a "he" like that one kid did at Target last week.
(Yes, I go to Target on a regular basis.  It's the closest store other than Walmart from my parents.  It has variety.  So with a baby it's one stop for a lot of things.  And I like browsing there too.)

The end of my very, long...hopefully I can look back on it as being productive, day!

And a picture I've added later... :)

time to leave on a happy note :)


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