Happy Summer!

Wait, it's July?  When did that happen?  Oh yeah, we had May weather in June!  I'm so happily enjoying this season though!  I love this weather!  It's so much better than being stuck in the snow.  I love how it's light out so much later at night.  I love how I can just throw on a t-shirt and head outside!

We've been getting the house ready to move in!  Spending more time at my parent's house until it has all of our to do list accomplished....

-update and add more lighting
-remodel bathroom
-electrical stuff (no need to go into details)
-buying some new appliances (washer/dryer, and possibly others)

And eventually we'll be updating the kitchen.

I'm being kinda crazy (working on patience) and allowing my hubby to plan things (believe me I tried taking over).  Now this isn't all that bad.  He's money-cautious and that's great to make the right decisions for our budget's sake.  However if we were in need of making faster movements on the house, I would step on his toes more. ;)  However, unlike most men he DOES have an opinion on the decorative part of our home.  (Oh Lord, help me.)  For those of you who don't know or understand my words, he means well.  He's not a planner, but he knows what he wants.

So far our bathroom looks like this:

My hubby took the tub out (it didn't have a shower), and we have to do something about that window in the way!  The other side of the bathroom looks like:

It's not terrible.  Just could use some updating.  But we had to remove some of the tile for the tub/shower.  So might as well redo the walls and that tile.  But then there was some leaking under the sink.  And that sink is pink.  So might as well just change it all as long as you have the time to and not living there.  Plus it's the MAIN bathroom and only one on the main level.  It's worth it.  We'll use it OFTEN and for many years (hoping so!).  It will definitely add to the house!  We're excited to make it exactly how we want.  So far we have new vanity cabinets picked out (just need purchased).  And we need to decide on a counter top.  Can't wait for the finish product!!! :)

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get the crib to the house so we can easily put Ellie down for naps while we are at the house.  That's why we got her room painted first.  So it could be all done and ready for sleeping. :)  When Jon stays over night at the house (air mattress) he sleeps in that room.

A pretty yellow!  It's called something butter.  Anything called butter should be good, right?  It will look great with her crib bedding.  It's neutral and everything.  It will always be our nursery.

here's the colors
The curtains will be green.  It will look light and cheerful! :)

Last weekend we had great help from my siblings and mother in law with painting.  We got a lot accomplished.

My sister, Melissa in the guest room
her hubby John (we like John's in this family)
He was the power trimmer 
*not pictured: mother in law & sister Elizabeth painting
**my parents were at home babysitting 8 children ages 8 years to 8 months.

our baby girl (8 months)

Next step is tomorrow.  My parents coming (and Ellie too) with the crib!  It will be fun to see the crib and bedding in her room and see it slowly come together! :)  Then the plan is to do as much painting as possible.  Hopefully it will get done.  All we have left to do is four closets, living room, kitchen, and accent color on one wall and around kitchen cabinets.  Hopefully we'll get it done!  ;) Or at least close so we can get the rest of it done later this weekend!  Makes it tricky having the holiday mid-week.

Can't wait to see it all come together!  I'll try to take pictures to show you.

Some pointers on painting a house:
-have help
-wear socks you don't care about
-have plenty of brushes and rollers
-wet cloth to wipe up drips as you go
-have music going or else someone will start to make up cheesy songs (ahem, that was me. ;)
-plenty of lighting for late night painting (just cus we don't have any lights in a few of our rooms)
-use a 5 gallon bucket for rollers (at night you can just put the lid on!)
-wrap your brushes with plastic (we used ziploc sandwich bags) when not in use overnight, so you don't have to keep washing out your brushes [Thanks Liz for that idea!]
-have a designated area for all your paint cleaning whether it be your hands or brushes or whatever (we used our bathroom sink since we're getting rid of everything in there anyways, who cares if paint drips in there?)
-have cold, bottled water on hand (thanks Mom for your Walmart run when we went to clean the house!)
-Another thanks to Mom: have chocolate on hand for those minute breaks from working (great boost of energy, kept in fridge to keep from melting)
-don't judge the painting "job" until the next day, it needs time to dry before the color clearly shows it's true color (However I had such a great helper help me pick out colors.  I trusted her and I knew it would turn out well.  LuAnne from the Woodsmiths Store on Hickman in Des Moines!  Check into it for your next paint color decision needs!  Seriously, she has helped every woman in my family pick paint colors in our houses!  She really knows what the color will look like by your trim, wood, in the light/dark, etc.  Incredible talent!)  

Well, for now that's all I can come up with for helpful painting!! :)  I'm sure I'll come up with more after tomorrow.  Happy Fourth of July everyone!!!


  1. Sounds like it is coming together! So excited for you guys. :)


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