Ellie {9 months+}
So, yeah, Ellie is 9 1/2 months old and I'm now just posting her 9 month post! I've gotten worse at these updates, and I'm sure it's only going to get worse the older she gets and more siblings are added to the fam! But this month was kind of tricky. She turned nine months old when we were painting the new house that weekend (and it was the fourth of July). Then the next weekend we left for a week for family camp. So now I can finally sit down and take a moment to update you all. And a nice post to look back on some day. In some ways, Ellie hasn't changed much since my last update on her but in other ways she has changed so much! She still has a "facial expression" she likes to give but it has changed. I don't have a picture of it, but got a good video of it on our way home from our unplanned trip to IKEA after Jon's family's family camp! She likes to bow her head and make eye contact at you at the same time. It's pretty funn...