Bath time to Blow outs

I wouldn't say today was the best day I've ever had with Ellie but it certainly isn't the hardest.  I would definitely say the hardest days with Ellie were at the hospital.  I love being at home now and enjoying the blessings of NOT having nurses and doctors stop in our room constantly checking up on things.  Ellie is able to nap when she wants to and not be woken up by constant reasons to be "checked on."  It also helps that she is now a little older and getting a routine sort of going. :)  She is also doing better at nursing and I think I got it down too.  I feel like I got a better idea of what she needs at different times.  It's not always an "I'm hungry" cry, and I'm figuring those needs out.  By no means am I saying I got this parenting down.  Geesh, she's not even a month old yet!

Currently she is asleep on our bed...she fell asleep while I was folding laundry.  She needed to fall asleep but usually in the evening/night she likes to stay up with us.  I think she knows that Daddy is home and wants to join in on the fun company! She fights sleeping as soon as she needs to fall asleep sometime around 5-7pm and takes quick 5-10 minute cat naps until she finally goes down around 11pm or so.  However tonight, she is actually giving us a nap this evening.  So now I get to spend time with hubby, however he fell asleep on the couch.  Hmmm.....time for a blog post. :)

But I think all that night time fuss is because she holds out until the night to give us all her stinky diapers.  When we were visiting friends and family my parents had her and changed four stinky diapers right in a row on Saturday night!  However tonight I think she got it all done in one.  And of course I had just given her a bath this afternoon.  I was nursing her and right after Jon got home she had a big blow out!  It went through all her clothes and on the blanket that was underneath her.  Oh boy!  Jon helped me get her into clean clothes.  So maybe she got it all taken care of and allowed her to be capable of falling asleep before 11pm?

Hope this doesn't mean she will be up a lot in the night!  Because she started to only wake up every 3-4.5 hours!!  That is REALLY nice and helpful. :)
Last night wasn't too bad at all....
Couldn't fall asleep until midnight, up at 4am (after 1/2 hr of diaper change, nurse, and burp fell asleep), up again at 9am to repeat.  Then she fell back asleep a little bit before 10am and I went and had breakfast and started my day.  Yeah for first child bonuses.  Sleeping in.....

Uh oh now I made all the parents jealous.  Not my intention!

By the way, Jon and I are super excited for this weekend.  yes, another exciting weekend!  We're not going anywhere.  Which is hard.  I nearly cried--pretty hard too--after leaving last weekend away from family and friends.  It's hard to stay home all day alone with just Ellie.  Honestly this whole stay at home mom thing is super awesome, but over here in Cedar Rapids it's pretty tough.  And that's why I am (and Jon) are super excited for this weekend.  Jon, Ellie, and I have each other all weekend.  We're looking forward to just the three of us chilling.  It will be nice to have Jon around on Saturday morning and the rest of the day.  Not going to lie.  I desperately long for some time with Jon.  Just the two of us.  I love Ellie to death.  And she is not the main reason why I feel this way.  Jon has just been really busy lately with work, and well, just life.

Well, I just heard my baby.  Night to all.


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