A Letter to My Baby....

Dear Baby,

My sweet baby and firstborn.  How much your Dad and I love you already!  We've had quite the ride these past months preparing to be your parents.  Dad is adjusting quite well taking care of your Momma, and your Mommy is ready to finally meet you.  Honestly your Mom is definitely ready to be done with being pregnant.  It has been an honor and privilege to carry you and know that you are growing the way God has planned for you to be.  However she is ready to not feel like she has the stomach flu every time she leans over and to be able to reach her toes again.  But you are most certainly worth it!  Feeling you kick and move has been a pleasure and your Dad and I smile every time.  We chuckle at all the movements wondering what you might be thinking.  Are you wanting more space or just interested in stretching out?  When Daddy holds you by touching Momma's tummy you seem to like it.  Mom's tummy starts to feel warm inside and you either start to move more or relax.  We talk to you by name, because we know who you are.  We are so excited to tell everyone your name when you are born!

your head and hand up by your face (5.18.12)

I'm telling you all this so that I will never forget these moments, but to also have them written down for you to read someday.  See I have yet to tell you more about your family and our excitement.  You are coming into this world to a loving family.  Your parents love each other so much that they wanted to share their love with someone else....you. :)  We can't wait to see what kind of personality you will have and what you will add to our family.  We can't wait to see your first smile, your first step, and your first of everything.  We'll do our best to teach you everything we know and to allow you to make mistakes of your own.  We want you to be an individual and know that we will always be here to support you and be there for you when you just need someone to talk with.

I must inform you about your Father.  Your Heavenly Father and earthly one.  Your Heavenly Father will never leave you nor forsake you.  Whenever you feel alone you can always rely on Him.  All your questioning and concerns can be answered through Him.  He allows hardships to come our way, but He will never leave you. He is our Rock and Deliverer.  He is not a wishful thought or a genie who will give you whatever you want.  He always knows what is best for you.  Pray earnestly to Him and you will learn more about Him and yourself, because in the stillness He is there.  Just listen.  Your Heavenly Father is perfect and that's why I talked about Him first.  Your earthly father is human and will make mistakes.  But let me tell you, he is worth loving and learning about.  He is my husband and he loves you to pieces already.  He tears up when he sees you moving around during an ultrasound.  He was the first to state what gender you were.  He is so interested in knowing all about you!  He is humble and a hard worker.  He loves to go outside and be active, so get ready to run or catch a frisbee!  Daddy will appreciate it when you do things for others and are kind.  He will want you to be respectful and trustworthy.  But most of all he will want you to know Jesus and love Him more than anything else.  He is looking forward to telling you all about God and the stories in the Bible.  He lost his daddy when he was eleven so I'm pretty sure he's excited to raise you and make special memories.  He understands and knows how important it is.  And above all, know that he loves you and is just waiting to meet you and get to know you.  He can't wait to have discussions with you and learn all about you and teach you all he knows.
...and Mommy can't wait to hear you say, "Daddy!" :)
Some day you will be sad and crying, and when your Dad picks you up you will become happy again.  And that moment will be forever treasured in your Momma's heart. :)

So know this sweet Baby Kaisand, we love you to pieces and looking forward to the day we meet you!  I can't wait to hold you in my arms!!

your sweet little feet (5.18.12)

your good lookin' spine! (5.18.12)

Love from your Momma (who wrote this) and your Daddy (who likes to hear all about what you are up to).


  1. That was the sweetest! I remember when I was pregnant with my first baby. It was almost 22 years ago, but I can still remember the excited anticipation while I carried him. Such a precious time. I'm glad you are enjoying every minute of it!



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