Telling the family

As soon as we found out it was so tempting to call everyone up and let them know. However I knew it would be better to tell family in person, if it was possible.

So we found out the morning after my mom's birthday, so it was so hard to wait.  We heard my parents were babysitting my nephews that Friday night and I thought that would be perfect to know my sister's family was in town.  How much fun would it be to make a game for the kids to tell the family?

So I made a scavenger hunt for the boys to find the letters and it would spell out COUSIN.  So Jon and I get to my parent's house in time to eat dinner with them and the boys.  During dinner I want to eat so fast (little did I know it was probably my last meal that I would be able to eat the full thing), and I couldn't hold it any longer.  The kids were done eating and so before we got settled for a movie night, I got the kids interested in playing the game.  However I couldn't get my parents interested because they wanted to clean up from dinner.  So I just chuckled to myself that this would be a funny memory....

After I had hid all the letters in their spot, I gave each clue and they ran and spelled out the word.  My dad figured it out quickly but didn't put it together that we were pregnant, so he kept cleaning.  After the whole word was spelled out and even said, my parents were still not responding.  So I told Sam (age 6) to yell out, "Grandma and Grandpa I'm going to have a new cousin!"  They were taken back a little and shocked...with watery eyes we gave each other hugs!

My mom mentioned my sister, Liz in Kansas City and her whole family was home at the time so I called her and we got to chat.  Since her first baby was due in September (like mine) she had maternity clothes in the right season to match up with mine. (Oh boy, this is going to be a hot summer.)

The next morning I was able to get the boys interested in playing the game again so my sister and her hubby could find out the news too!  This time my parents joined in and made sure we all were able to enjoy the game together. :)

It's been fun to have something in common to talk to my sister's about.  Someone else that knows what it's like to throw up for the fifth time that's just a little encouraging...

That night we had Jon's mom come over so we could tell Jon's immediate family at lunch on Sunday.  After church we went to Legend's and Jon told them the news!  They are also very excited for us and we are so thankful for their thoughts and prayers.

It is weird to think that Jon and I will have a baby at our next Thanksgiving and Christmas.  I don't know if I would be able to hold it out but if I'm way overdue (and the estimated due date is off) it would be sweet to have this baby on October 17th.  It's my sweet Grandma Evelyn's birthday.  And how cool is this...October 17th is the birthday for the sweet, three-year old girl I nanny for.  It's been helpful for her too.  She keeps asking me when my baby will come and I tell her in time for her birthday.  It's a great way to help a child who doesn't understand time yet. :)

With being so sick I keep looking at the sweet 6 month old baby and keep telling him, "I get to have one like you soon!  I'm sicker than sick because of someone like you!" :)  He is the sweetest baby ever!  He smiles constantly and his laugh is so sweet.  When I feel really icky I just hold him and think how sweet he is. :)

Jon and I honestly don't mind if this baby is a girl or boy.  Jon's actually thinking how nice it would be if it was twins. :)  Both our dads have a twin and he thinks that would be kind of neat.  That until we have those middle of the night feedings, right? :)  We have one name chosen for if we have a boy and a couple girl names.  For the longest time we couldn't come up with a boy name and hold on to it, before someone changed their mind. ;) (ahem, Jon) But a family friend let him know that him and his wife couldn't come up with a boy name and they received all of course we decided on one asap. :)
But overall, after everything, we're seriously okay with either gender.  We just really want a healthy baby!  It's been hard to keep prenatal vitamins down so we are concerned for the baby's sake.  However we're learning to trust in the Lord and know He has the perfect plan for us and our family.

As of now I just want to thank everyone who has helped us: given us gifts in which you don't realize how big they are, feeding us, giving us things for free, and just the prayers and encouragement during this hard time of pregnancy.  As soon as I stop throwing up I will hopefully be able to send individual thank yous. :)  Until then thank you all for your help.
Jon and Mary
the newlyweds who are soon-to-be newlyparents :)


  1. AAAHHHH. Im so happy for you both. p.s. my doctors told me i could take 2 flinstones vitamins instead if i could keep those down, worked better for me. But I didnt take any vitamins at all with my last 2. Keep us posted on EVERything exciting! Im so happy for you and we will pray that you have a healthy baby after a safe and easy delivery (as easy as deliveries can be that is).

  2. Thanks Erin! :)
    The reason we are so concerned about the vitamins (especially folic acid) is because my brother has spina bifida so we are at a higher risk of having a child with that sort of thing. So Jon is saying, "How hard would it be to get into that situation knowing you had the ability to probably prevent it, but didn't? It would put a huge load of extra responsibility on us and our marriage. It's worth it to try to get those vitamins down."

  3. Puking runs on both sides of the family. If you call your doctor they have prenatal chewables that are prescription :) That's what saved me with Caden! Praying for twins :0 haha!


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