Yummy Chicken Casserole

It's called Broccoli chicken casserole but I substituted peas for this last time and LOVED it better than broccoli. But it's just preference.

I'm in cooking/baking mode lately since I got time off of work and been helping the family with meals in prep for the baby.  They had a baby boy, Lucas Joel just yesterday.

I found this on allrecipes.com so don't thank me for this recipe.  I needed another chicken option, and this is fast and easy!  Great for when you can't start making dinner until 6pm.

What you need:
9x13 pan
cooking spray
frozen broccoli or peas (14oz for broccoli)
boneless chicken breasts
1 can of cream of mushroom soup
1 can of cream of chicken soup
1/3 cup of sour cream
1 tablespoon of horseradish (or mustard)

What to do:
1. Preheat oven to 350, and spray pan
2. Spread frozen veggies on bottom of pan
3. Place chicken on top of veggies.
4. In a bowl: mix soups, sour cream, radish/mustard
5. Pour sauce mixture on top of chicken
6. Bake uncovered for one hour, let sit awhile before eating

It's a great way to get your meat and veggie all in one.  Easy clean up and yummy!  Makes great leftovers.  Sometimes I serve it with baked potatoes so I can have more leftovers. :)



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