I will be doing a drawing for my birthday.  If you want to be a part of the drawing please comment here on my blog or comment on my link on Facebook.  Please share this with anyone you feel led to share it.

What is this drawing you say?


I want to find out what kind of service you need from me.
Is it company?  Do you just want to get together with me and chat?
Do you need a babysitter?
What about someone to clean out that annoying closet?
Or maybe that kid's room/toy room?
What about a planned day where I come over and dust and pick up your house?

Comment and I will put your name in the drawing! :)
The name drawn will get the service for free.  If I get a lot of feedback I may try this again.
Or if you are in deep need of one of the things listed above I will do it for a small fee.

Let's see what happens.
Spread the word!
This is Mary's BIRTHDAY GIVE AWAY!! :)
I would like the deadline to be Thursday night, but I will lengthen it if I need to.

Give me your thoughts. :)


  1. awe i wish i lived closer. I would love to just hang out and chat!


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