Pay It Forward
Have you ever had days where you are just unsure of how things are going? What is your boss really thinking? What do they think of how you are doing? Well, these last twenty-four hours my husband and I are counting our blessings and running out of fingers of how many blessings we have just from this wonderful family that I get to nanny for their two-year old here in Ames. You see, I went 9 months, (did you hear that NINE months!) without a job while living here in Ames and Jon was doing twelve credits and working part-time. The gift Jon gave me on Valentine's Day was mentioning his wife to his substitiute professor at ISU. And that little conversation brings me to where we are today! :) Since the end of March I have been blessed with a sweet little two-year old girl who teaches me more than I could ever thought possible. She is a gift from God--her whole family is! Her mom is about to have a baby in early September. I get to nanny for her ...