While in Ames update

I haven't updated recently on how things are going for us.  Sorry about that.  I've been in writers mode at the wrong time!  I think I'm capable of something now, but really I'm actually going to pray first.  This is a pretty deep update I'm about to share with you. :)  I want the Lord to speak through my words...

Jon and I attended JEFC a couple Sundays ago.  One of the worship songs was Enough.  That song has touched my heart in the past but I never had an experience like I did that Sunday morning.  Lifiting my hands to the heavens singing to my King!  I had a heavy knot on my chest and I just surrendered it all to God.

You see, in the past nine months I had gotten "the worst newlywed wife" award.  Nothing I did could quite make our own at peace.  I was adjusting to Ames and wanting a job so badly I was willing to work anywhere (almost).  I wasn't applying at a hundred places or anything, but I was searching for something that I could do full-time for a couple years and still be at a point where I could serve my husband at home.  Jon and I are both savers so we came into the marriage without debt, but not wanting to spend our savings just to buy our groceries and bills!  Jon has a well paid part-time job that was helping us each month, but it wasn't something that my husband was able to feel perfectly comfortable with.  It was the time in our lives where it would be nice to be putting money in our savings each month for a future home and hopefully for our future children. :)  Every time I purchased groceries I showed Jon everything I purchased.  I always kept the receipt willing to return something he didn't want us to have yet.  I never wanted my husband to feel like I was purchasing things and he wasn't allowed a say in it.  Just because I'm the one that cooks, doesn't mean he can't be the one to check the budget in that area or expenses.

Months would go by and I kept receiving a "no" or no response.  Finally Target was hiring!  Yes!  Awesome!  I live right down the street from there and it would be great to get discounts! :)
They said, "no."

"Okay Lord, even Target is saying no.  Something must be big coming.  You must have a plan."

It was February 14th, Jon was meeting with his substitute professor to talk about an assignment he had questions on.  They got talking about their valentine's.  The teacher mentioned his wife was out of town so he was going to spend time with his little valentine, his daughter. 

Without hesitation Jon asked, "So what does your daughter do during the day?"

After the discussion Jon came out with this:  The teacher (Bobby) had a two-year old daughter who has a nanny.  The nanny was expecting and so they were going to need someone to take her position April-middle of May (possibly longer).  It could also be perminite if the nanny decides to not return after having her baby.

Jon told Bobby that he would talk to his wife about it, and they shared emails. :)

A few days later I emailed  and said I was most certainly interested!! :)

Now, back to that Sunday morning singing Enough.....
Holding back tears I was just praising Jesus.  I was going to start working in a couple weeks and God had provided for us.  I needed that reminder that I only needed Him!  It was one of those feelings you just can't explain!

During the service I felt a nodge to check my cell phone.  Which is weird, because I never do that.  I had a missed call, from Bobby.  As soon as I was home I listened to his message.

Their nanny had her baby early and they needed me to start the next day!! :)


If I didn't say I was a little hesitant, worried, unsure, and uneasy about starting sooner I would be lying.  I was surely unsure.  I was going to shadow a couple days with their nanny so I had a chance to get to know their daughter and see how their nanny does things.  I was looking forward to discussing things with her and asking her questions.  That really helped me feel more at ease about starting my new "nanny job."  However I didn't get to do that.

My first day of work was just fine.  I spent the day getting to know her.  During her nap time I started feeling nauseous and it kept getting worse and worse as the afternoon went on.  I found ways to keep her occupied without me having to use a whole lot of energy.  I started to feel better before Bobby returned home, so I didn't say anything.  I thought I would send him an email if it got worse and let him know in case I got their daughter sick.

I was so devestated.  I really wanted to start off working for them and showing them I could really help them out.  I wanted to show them I could be creative and keep their daughter going all day.  I wanted their daughter to feel at ease about the transition. 

However, on my walk from my car to the apartment building I threw up in the grass!  I had the stomach flu!  Bummer!  God, why is this happening?  My husband really encouraged me, and my mom helped me through the process.  I called Bobby and he was apologetic.  I threw up again later that night and didn't go to work on Tuesday.

I finally felt better and went back to work on Wednesday.

I have been working here Monday-Friday ever since! :)  The parents are really great and encouraging me.  They tell me their daughter talks all about what we do during the day and she seems to be really happy about it.  She's a delight! 

A little more info about this sweet little girl....

--She loves to read books.  Really loves them!  When we sit down to read she hands me nearly 20 books each time.  Yes, we usually read every single one.  Sometimes three times on some of them.
--Enjoys swinging (under doggy!)
--Loves to sing and loves it when I make her laugh
--She enjoys playing the random games I make up :)
--She is potty trained!  She wears a pull up at night, but I've never seen it wet when I get here in the morning.
--She's still learning on pronouncing some of her letters/sounds.  You sometimes have to REALLY listen to figure out what she's saying.
--She's a decent eater.  She is not very picky either.
--Whenever she jumps or hops it cracks me up!!
--If she suddenly spots letters on her cup or plate she will suddenly shout "ABCDEFGHIJK...."  It's so adorable and catches me off guard!
--Her favorite color is purple. :)

Probably more info to come later.

Hope you enjoyed reading the latest path God has me on right now.  Sorry it got a little random.


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