While in Ames update
I haven't updated recently on how things are going for us. Sorry about that. I've been in writers mode at the wrong time! I think I'm capable of something now, but really I'm actually going to pray first. This is a pretty deep update I'm about to share with you. :) I want the Lord to speak through my words... Jon and I attended JEFC a couple Sundays ago. One of the worship songs was Enough . That song has touched my heart in the past but I never had an experience like I did that Sunday morning. Lifiting my hands to the heavens singing to my King! I had a heavy knot on my chest and I just surrendered it all to God. You see, in the past nine months I had gotten "the worst newlywed wife" award. Nothing I did could quite make our own at peace. I was adjusting to Ames and wanting a job so badly I was willing to work anywhere (almost). I wasn't applying at a hundred places or anything, but I was searching for somethin...