100 Things about Mary Kaisand (Tometich)

I've spotted other blog posts in blog-land of people posting 100 things about themselves.  I thought I would give it a try and take up on the challenge.  To come up with 100 random things can be difficult, but I think I'm ready.  For the record, I wrote this February 8, 2011.

1. When my mom was pregnant with me, she had to go to the hospital and get an IV because she was so weak and sick.  Morning sickness lasted 24 hours.
2. My dad wanted to name me Mary Anne, but my mom wanted just Mary.  They compromised and my middle name is Anne.
3. When I was born, my mom said the room was full of people.  There was a possibility that I had spina bifida (like my brother), so they were prepared to take action.
Spina bifida is a birth defect that involves the incomplete development of the spinal cord or its coverings. The term spina bifida comes from Latin and literally means "split" or "open" spine.

4. When I was little I had blonde hair.
5. My favorite children's book growing up was "Are you my Mother?"
6. I never went to preschool.
7. I remember making my mom angry when after dropping of my childhood best friend, we hid in her backyard. My mom drove off without me.  She had to drive back to get me.
8. I've experienced all school options: private, public, and homeschool.  In that order.
9.  I have never made a gingerbread house.
10. Asked Jesus into my heart when I was 14.
11. My dad took me on a date when I was 15 and we talked about boys and relationship thoughts.  He then gave me a purity ring.  I took it off when Jon proposed.
12. In high school (before I was homeschooled), I was involved in choir and show choir.
13. I'm one of those girls who played Barbies growing up.
14. I grew up addicted to the Disney Classics.
15. I'm the youngest of four and always wondered what it would be like to have a younger sibling.
16. My favorite subject in school was math.  I love fractions.
17. My first car was a Ford Explore.  I didn't have it for too long.  A semi pulled out on me on my way to work in November 2007.
18. Because of that accident, my muscles have never been the same.
19. Besides babysitting, my first job was daycare.
20. I worked there a long five months.
21. Who ever came up with texting?
22. I never paint my fingernails anymore.
23---My favorite number.
24. Would like to go to Disney World some day.  My family went when I was in first grade, and I hardly remember.
25. I was really involved in church activities from high school on.  Anywhere from: babysitting, chaperoning junior high trips, attending mission trips, volunteer for AWANA Cubbies, and being on the worship team.
26. My secret wish is to be in a Broadway show or to be an actress.
27. Jon and I first saw each other in a singles Sunday school class.
28. Shortly after I changed churches.  It kept us from communicating until at least a year later thanks to Facebook (and his sister). :)
29. When my husband and I were first getting to know each other I gave him a list of 100 funny, random things he had to do before going to bed. (Some things included: calling Walmart to see if they sold Depends and leaving random things for his roommates.)
30. My parents met his Mom before I did.
31. The day I met his mom was the day we started dating (July 2009).
32. My sisters and I all met our "future husbands" through some connection at church.
33. My husband and I both have an older sister named Elizabeth.
34. My favorite letter is "K" and thought it was interesting how God led me to marry a man with the last name Kaisand.
35. I love hot showers.  My family warned Jon before marring me (water bill).
36. I walked down the aisle to I Exalt Thee.
37. The first time I left the country was for the honeymoon to Jamaica.
38. I love movies.  Someday my husband and I plan on having a theater room in our basement.  His current job right now is making home theater screens.
39. Not a fan of snow, but can't imagine living anywhere but Iowa.  I love being close to family.
40. I'm a night owl.  I married a night owl. :)
41. I have lived in seven different places: a home my parents had built in Altoona, a ranch in Altoona, townhouse in West Des Moines, first Johnston house, then a Des Moines townhouse, another Johnston (wheelchair accessible) house, and now an apartment (four-plex) in Ames.
42. The West Des Moines townhouse my two sisters and I shared the master bedroom.
43. My husband and I both have Dad's who have a twin.  I've been preparing my heart and mind in case God gives me twins.
44. I've always wanted to be a teacher.  Looking forward to homeschooling my children.
45. My favorite way to express my love for God is through movement.  You may love reading the Bible for hours, but I love expressing through dance.
46. I love reading the Bible and getting more application each time.  I also love learning past the "Sunday school basics."
47. I'm thankful for people who are encouraging to others.
48. My goal is to write a book someday, but I think faster than I can write (or type).
49. I'm one of those girls who would rather play football with the guys than sit and talk with girls.
50. I don't like surprises--I like to know what to expect (and plan things).  Opening gifts can make me nervous.
51. My favorite fast food is B-Bops.
52. I have a hard time trying something new.
53. Love picnics.
54. I have stopped drinking caffeine.
55. My caffeine comes from chocolate. :)
56. I do not like orange juice.  I tried liking it once to get Vitamin C but then I got the flu.  Never again! :P
57. I was never a fan of peanuts growing up.  Recently I started to like them, however not in brownies or bread.
58. I pick salt not pepper.
59. When they are not on sale, I don't but movies unless it's a gift.  Otherwise I like to wait and save money.
60. Like leftovers.
61. Milk alone, I think tastes gross, but put it in something while cooking or use to dip Oreos....yum!  (auh oh now this will make me want to buy Oreos.)
62. I love vegetables.
63. My all time favorite dessert is plain brownies.
64. I don't understand the point of motorcycles.  I'm sorry, I just don't.
65. I have never gone fishing before.
66. I don't like talking on the phone with people I don't know.
67. I'm a perfectionist about my schedule.
68. I love hugs.  My love language is touch.
69. I've always wondered how and why celebrities become idols.
70. My hair is naturally curly.
71. My favorite music is Christian worship songs.
72. Most of my quiet times I journal.  It's nice to be able to look back and see how I've grown.
73. I've never liked my handwriting.
74. I would rather be in the passenger seat than drive.
75. My favorite flower is the gerbera daisy.

76. I'm a "glass-half-full" kind of person.
77. My eyes are very sensitive and I have to wear sunglasses outside most of the time.
78. I like it when I have time to read before bed.
79. My least favorite thing to do in the morning is look in a mirror.
80. I love casseroles.
81. It would be surprising to see me swim in a lake.
82. I'm not a morning person, and I've been wondering lately how God will stretch me in this area when I become a parent.
83. My least favorite chore to do is the laundry.
84. I have a weird habit.  I can't finish the last sip of drink in my glass.
85. Needles don't bother me, but my husband can't stand them.
86. I always wear socks.  Can't sleep without them.
87. I have always wanted to see a Broadway Show.
88. I love roller coasters.
89. I have mild asthma.
90. I love organizing a work space.
91. Would rather save than spend.
92. I have a specific way to do things when I clean or pack.
93. I wear pants so I don't have to shave my legs as often.
94. I'm picky about my shoes due to comfort.
95. I can be super organized when I want to be.
96. I have a hard time walking through a room without the light on.
97. I love jewelry.
98. I have sensitive allergies.  They act up the most when the weather changes.
99. My grandma Evelyn has to be the one person I have ever met that had the biggest servant heart.  She went to heaven before Christmas 2010.
100. Didn't think I would be able to think of 100 things about me.  Hope they're random enough for you!


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