Something about September

Sorry I didn't inform everyone on how Jon and I are doing!  I know I told you all I was going to keep you updated every month.  Sorry I got us a little behind.  September was a fun month for us, so let me spill the beans and share....Something about September! :)

First week: Every first Wednesday of every month, Jon gets together with his brother in laws (John Ulrickson & my brother Ryan).  They take turns picking what they do.  I always love it when Jon returns!  He comes back after being with all the guys happy to see me and tell me about his night!
Labor Day weekend: The Sunday before Labor Day my Tometich extended family has a reunion.  It was so nice catching up with everyone.  This time we had three new babies to welcome to the family! :)

Most of everyone that could make it, minus a few who were gone for kid's nap times.

Labor Day was a fun day with family, friends, and dad's employees at Adventureland! 
Second week: After a four-day week we returned to Johnston for our brother in law Scott.  We celebrated his birthday!  Sunday we celebrated our three-month anniversary and went to JEFC community picnic.  I love going to it, because it's like a JEFC reunion! :)  That evening we went back to Ames to make it to our first Ames small group with newlyweds.  I've made a post earlier about the group.

Third weekend:  We went to Newton to celebrate with family Jon's 26th birthday!!  My dad also came Friday night to help catch the bat in Jon's mom's basement!  Sunday we went to the church Jon grew up going to, it was nice to visit with people who have known him for a long time. :)

Monday, September 20th: Jon's actual birthDAY.  After classes I made him one of his favorite meals and we took a walk to the park.  It was a really fun day!

The rest of the week was pretty hectic with an exam and lots of studying to do.
Fourth weekend:  We returned to Johnston to celebrate our niece, Evelyn's 2nd birthday!  Time has flown by so much!  Last year on this day we were in Kansas City (Jon too).  Jon and I were still dating.

Evelyn loves anything to do with Mickey Mouse!

I hope everyone enjoyed their September as well!  It was a beautiful month filled with great family time and wonderful memories!
Blessings to you all!
October is coming to an end already!
Soon you'll be hearing about our "Oh-boy!  October!" :)


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